A total of 1210 posts has been announced by the UPPSC board needed to be fill up via combined Lower Subordinate Services Examination 2013. Interested and eligible applicants are thereby advised to apply before the last date 21-09-2013.
UP Public service Commission has modernized itself with the times and massive computerization is being undertaken presently. The examination system has been partly computerized and the process is still under progress.
UPPSC Recruitment 2013 Details :
S.No | Name of Post | Candidates required |
1 | Legal Assistant | 150 |
2 | Asstt. Estate Superintendent (Housing & Urban Planning) | 200 |
3 | Child Development Project Officer | 115 |
4 | Auditor (Local Fund Accounts) | 3 |
5 | Jr. Auditor (National Savings Directorate) | 100 |
6 | Asstt. Controller (Legal Measurement), Grade II | 5 |
7 | Investigator Cum Computer (Cooperative Societies) | 0 |
8 | Computer/Junior Statistical Inspector /Field Investigator (Agri. Sta. & Crop. Ins.) | 150 |
9 | Jr. Research Assistant Gr-II/Hort. Inspector gr.-II/Hort. Inspector | 20 |
10 | Sr. Sugarcane Development Inspector/Sugarcane Development Inspector | 1 |
11 | Investigator cum Computer (Family Welfare) | 1 |
12 | Cooperative Inspector Gr-I Asstt. Development Officer (Cooperative) | 140 |
13 | Auditor (Local Bodies), | 112 |
14 | Asstt. Auditor (Local Bodies) | 100 |
15 | Fisheries Inspector | 200 |
16 | Auditor (Firm’s society & Chits) | 30 |
Total No. of Posts | 1210 |
Eligibility Criteria for UPPSC Recruitment 2013 :
- Educational Qualification : Must have completed graduation in Law/Sociology/commerce/Home science/B.Sc( Agriculture)/B.Sc Biology.
- Age Limit : Candidate must have age in the range of 21-40 years. If you belong to ST/SC/OBC category age relaxation will be provided as per rules.
Applying Procedure :
Application has to logon to the official website of UPPSC : www.uppsc.up.nic.in and need to fill up the complete form of registration. After filling up please note down your registration ID and keep it in safe, don’t forget it. You may be needing it to proceed further.Application Fee :
While filling up the application form you will be asked to pay a fee of :- Rs. 115 – If you belong to general category.
- Rs. 55 - If you belong to ST/SC/OBCE.
- Rs. 15 - If you are physically disabled.
Selection Criteria :
Candidates will be selected according to their performance in :-- Preliminary Examination.
- Main Written Examination.
- Interview.