National Talent Search Examination: NTSE 2013 | Latest Syllabus Details, Exam Scheme and Revised Exam Pattern- Best Preparation Books, Study Material and Previous Year Solved Papers to Crack the Written Examination.

We know that being NTSE 2013-14 Applicant, candidates are looking for latest syllabus, scheme and pattern to start their preparation for the written examination. To help you in gaining the advantage above normal aspirants we’re providing you suggestion for study material, reference books and previous year paper downloads.

For NTSE 2014 Details consider going through the below given details:

NTSE 2014 Detailed Syllabus:  

Syllabus: NTSE MAT 2014

First of all we need to know what NTSE MAT, NTSE MAT stands for a simple mental ability test based on syllabus from your subjects majorly. NTSE MAT will carry questions related to analogies, series, classification, hidden figures, perception pattern, coding-decoding, problem solving, block assembly etc.

Syllabus: Language Test of NTSE SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)

The SAT Language section is made to evaluate the reading comprehension power, logical approaches to sequencing; evaluative, predictive, interpretative and creative components. This language test is available in both Hindi/English languages you can opt the one you prefer.

Syllabus: Math, Social Studies and Science NTSE SAT

This part does not have any specific syllabus due to many reasons like having multiple boards of educations on state and national level. So to clear this section you’re required to keep eye on fundamental and universal concepts related to these subjects you’ve studied till Highschool/10th.
The best you could do to follow the syllabus is prepare from the below given book suggestions. NCERT have also provided text books to prepare smart for this vast syllabus. If you need these text books consider clicking on the link given.
Do not worry at all about the syllabus – questions asked are more or less common to all boards, so that good students from every board can answer. If you are studying in a board other than CBSE, you can click here  . These text book help you in evaluating the difference between the syllabus you’ve studied in IX and X of your board and CBSE have in there.
To do so you will have to choose from the drop down menu, simply select class>>Subject>>Books

Exam Scheme, Pattern and Paper Format for NTSE 2014:

Test SectionQue.MarksDuration
MAT505045 M
SAT150150135 M
Grand Sum200200180 M
NTSE Part 1 and 2 Scholastic Aptitude Test:
SAT SectionsQue.MarksDuration
Language Test505045 M
SAT10010090 M
Grand Sum150150135 M
The Minimum qualifying marks for the NTSE State 2014 are 40% (UR) and 32% for SC/ST and PH

Some Best Books and Study Guides and Solved Paper Collection for NTSE Papers Prepration.

Note: Click on the Link to Buy :)
  1. Lakshya NTSE for Class 10 (Study Material + Mock Papers + Motivational Book + CD)
  2. Study Package for NTSE National Talent Search Examination (Class - 10) 1st Edition
  3. Study Guide for NTSE National Talent Search Examination (Class - 10)
  4. NTSE National Talent Search Examination with 3 Solved Papers

31 Aug 2013