WBCSC Recruitment 2013WBCSC (West Bengal College Service Commission) has given a notification to fill-up their 276 vacancies of assistant professors and librarians to be appointed in various govt. aided colleges in west Bengal for various subjects. Interested and eligible candidates can apply online www.wbcsc.ac.in.Scores of the written examination will be main criteria for selecting the candidate. Details about minimum qualification required, how to apply, age limit are as under.

About WBCSC :
Established in 1979 under Act LXII 1978, The West Bengal College Service Commission (WBCSC) id engaged into appointment of suitable candidates.
The main functions of the commission involve recommendation of candidates in order to fill the vacancies as lecturers in different subjects in accordance with the demand from affiliated colleges.

WBCSC Recruitment for 276 assistant professors and librarians Details :

Job title - Assistant professor/Librarian
No.of vacancies - 276 No

Eligibly Criteria :

Minimum qualification required - Candidate must be post graduate with at least 55 % marks in related subject
Fee: the structure of fees is given under
category fees
General 700/-
The fees must be paid through united Bank of India Challan.
Selection Procedure : the candidates will be sleeted after considering scores in written examination.
How to apply : Eligible and interested candidates can apply online through the official website wbcsc.ac.in. On or before 26.09.203
Last date to apply online 26.09.2013.

Click here to apply online
