Admit Card for SSC CGL Tier-2 Main Exam – Combined Graduate Level Tier 2 Exam Dates - Admit Card DownloadAfter
the exam of CGL Tier – I which was held on 21 April, its time for the
commencement of Tier 2 exam. All applications forms have been already
submitted by students and admit cards/Hall tickets/Call letter are
available for all those candidates who have passed the Tier 1 exam. You
may wish the see the list of candidates who cleared Tier 1 exam and are
eligible to participate in Tier –2. Eligible students can now easily
download their admit cards which are available here :
About SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam
CGl stands for
combined graduate level
exam that is organized by the SSC and falls directly under the
government. The complete process of CGL exams is divided in 2 parts,
Tier – 1, Tier –2. Tier one is for all students who has filed the
application forms and seek to clear the exam. If they got succeeded in
Tier 1, they become eligible to participate in Tier 2. Tier 2 is the
main exam that ensures your status in written exams. If you succeed in
Tier 2, then you will be called for Final interview.
Admit Cards Available for CGL Tier – 2
admit cards are to be assigned for students of different region. Follow
the steps written below to download your admit card for CGL Tier 2 exam
- Open the website :
- Under the section of Candidates Alert, find “ DOWNLOAD DUPLICATE ADMIT CARD FOR COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL (TIER-II) EXAMINATION “ and click on it.
- Then, again click on “ CLICK HERE TO PRINT YOUR DUPLICATE ADMITCARD “ and proceed now.
- You will be seeing a form under “ Admission Certificate Status “.
- Fill out your details correctly and click on search to get your admit cards.
You can use three ways to download your admit cards :
- By just knowing the Registration ID.
- By knowing just roll number.
- By knowing Your name, fathers name and date of birth.
As we can see, the admit card getting process is made very clear and easy for everyone.
Exam dates for Tier – 2 Exam :
- Exam for math & English to be held on : 28 September 2013.
- Statistical exam to be held on 29 September 2013.
IF you wish to directly visit the form to download Admit cards for CGL Tier 2 Exam, click here.