Interview rounds are the most unpredictable ones for job seekers.
One never knows what kind of questions would be hurled at them and
therefore, you have to be very cautious and judicious to while answering
the questions. Sometimes simple questions are asked; those that are
very basic and grounded and yet very difficult to reply. Questions like
“tell us more about yourself”, “why do you want to work with this firm”,
“where do you see yourself five years from hence?” these are vital
questions for assessing the personality of the candidates.
asked a question like "Where do you see yourself in five years", it means that the assessor wants to know
whether you are truly planning to stick to this particular firm or wish
to move out. Some suggestions on how to answer these have been suggested
- Always come up with answers that sound beneficial for their company. Oftentimes, people use these posts as starting points and then move on to a better one upon finding better opportunities. The panelists should be convinced by your reply that you are genuinely interested in this company and is planning to stick to it.
- Do some background research on the company that you are going for on an interview, Go through their market reports, their stock reports, sale reports and other details so that the panelists know that you have done your homework well. This will also show how genuinely interested you are in the company.
- Your reply to such questions should be enthusiastic and passionate. They should be reflective of your ambition and spirit. If your reply is not passionate enough you will be rejected outright. Always remember that the interview round is the elimination round and any discrepancy would lead to the cancellation of your berth.
- Know the different ranks and promotions of the company. If you name them in the interview and tell that you would like to win them someday then it is likely that you would impress the interviewers and they will be convinced that you are interested in long term commitment.
- In the interview always articulate your opinions with confidence. You might face counter questions like “why do you want to choose this company?” your response to such questions should not be flattering and rather be realistic. They should know that it is not only for the benefit of their company but you would make profit from it too.
Thus, in
these kinds of questions the reply has to be framed very wittily and
cautiously, as much as that the interviewers get to know that you are
interested in long term commitments and not a short term bird. when
asked a question like this you can say
Example Answer:
“By whatever you have told me
this position seems to me the most befitting and considering my
potential, I believe that I’ll be able to serve you to the best of my
abilities. I’m certainly looking for dedicated firms and long time