Jharkhand Laboour Department Recruitment Notification 2013 for 25096 Posts
Department of Labour, Directorte of Employment and Training government of Jharkhand is going to conducting Rojgar Melas Career Fair in Latehar and Daltonganja Districts 11903 Latehar District various category posts and 13193 Daltonganj District various category posts.
Rojgar Melaa Latehar and Rojgar Mela Daltonganja Posts Details:
1. Rojgar Mela Latehar 11903 Posts:
Supervsor, Masonn, Benderr, LIC Agents, Managers, Security Guards, Field Officers, Coook, Industrial Traine, Engineer, Helpers, Operators, Teacheers, Nurses etc
2. Rojgar Mela Daltonganj 13193 Posts:
Customer Care Executives, Masonn, Security Guards, Gunmans, Coook, Field Officers, Office Staffs, Engineer, Industrial Traine, Accountants, Peons, Drivers, Managers etc
Important Datees:
Rojgar Mela(Career Fair) Daltonganja: 28.10.2013
Rojgar Mela(Career Fair) Latehare: 01.11.2013
Education Qualification:
complete 5th to 12th Classs, Diplom, ITI, Graduatioon, (BCA/ MCA/ MBA/ MA/ MBBS> and for the post wise detaiils you can check the official notification
Click here for Rojgar Mela Latehar
Click here for Rojgar Mela Daltonganj