www.bseorissa.in OTET 2013 Exam  Admit Card. Download Odisha TET Admit Card / Orrisa TET Hall Ticket 2013.
Board of Secondary Education, Odisha has scheduled Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test OTET 2013 to be held in the month of June 2013. Odisha Teacher eligibility test officially by the board will be organized in June 2013 . Ally candidates who applied for OTET 2013, Are now looking for the official link to Download their admit cards. Keep in mind that admit card is essential to appear in the exam. Simply "No Admit Card then No Exam". www.bseorissa.in is official website for any queries related to Orissa TET.

Actually its official website of OBSE who is liable to conduct this test. Qualifying Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test (OTET) is vital to be eligible as a teacher at elementary level and high class. However this eligibility is only for Govt. Teacher Jobs by Orissa Government. In private sector its your talent which will be counted.
Orissa TET OTET 2013 Admit Card
OTET Admit Card 2013- Odisha TET Hall Ticket

Download Odisha TET Admit Card 2013

As its essential to become a Govt. teacher, So that a lot of candidates are going to take OTET 2013 Exam. So they all are waiting for the Orissa TET Hall Tickets 2013 download link with open eyes. No one will be allowed to appear in the OTET without having the Admit Card. Now lets talk about the Pattern of this exam.
There will be two papers in the OTET 2013 journey. Orissa TET Paper I will be for a candidate who wants to be a Govt. teacher for class I to V. While OTET Paper II will be for a candidate who want to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII. So its all up to you that what you wanna be.

But if you're having enough potential, time , education and dedication, Then you may appear in both papers to be eligible for recruitment of both type of teachers. So if you have applied application for OTET 2013, then you may download the Admit card for OTET 2013 exam from the below given official Website link.
07 Oct 2013