Syllabus, Exam Pattern and Paper Scheme for Jaipur Discom, RVUNL,
JVVNL, Jd. VVNL, AVVNL Junior Accountant & Accounts Officer Written
Competitive Examination with Suggested Study Material, Books and
Previous Papers Sets to Crack the Written Test
We have
already notified you about the 594 Posts vacant in Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasasan Nigam and its subsidiary organization, the Recruitment
Notification mentioned that candidate will have to face a competitive
written examination to get short listed for Interview Round. The
appointment of candidates will be finalized on the basis of performance
in Interview round that is to be conducted after written examination.
Applicants who are seeking for RRVPNL Jr. Accountants and Accounts Officers posts are now looking for the detailed subject wise syllabus and examination pattern to study on a proper plan. Obviously ones you know the syllabus your chances of getting success in the RRVPNL Written Test will be optimum as you will be able to blue print your preparation strategies on the basis of examination pattern and syllabus of both Junior Accountant & Accounts Officer where the suggested books will definite the chances of selection as they will help you in practicing and studying for the written test.
Here we have stated the Exam Scheme, pattern
and Syllabus of both exams in a sequence; candidates are advised to
follow the post:
Examination Pattern for the Post of Accounts Officer, Junior Account and Accountnts in RRVPNL:
will be a written examination required to face by candidates, this
written test is patterned on obbjective type questions,. The question
paper is devided into two section or you may call it parts as follow:
Part A: Accounting, Auditing and Texation (Graduate Level)- 200 Marks
Part B: General Awareness and G.English- 100 Marks
- Duration: 180 Minutes
- Total Questions: 200
- Total Marks- 300
- Paper Type: MCQ Based
- Negative Marking: Not Applicable
Syllabus of RRVPNL Accounts Officer, Junior Account and Accountnts Written Examination:
Part A: Accounting (100 Question) in that Auditing related questions will be of 60 Qs. and taxation would be of 40 Qs. Will be asked.
Note: in this section each right answer will help you to score 2 marks
Topic Required to Study: Corporate A/c ing, Income Tax and Law,
Cost A/c, Auditing (Both Practical Question and Theory), Management A/c
ing, Advanced Cost A/c, Adv. Financial System/accounting.
Part B: The paper II or part II refereed to the General English and General Awareness/current affairs related questions
Note: This section will carry 100 questions scoring 1 mark for each right answer.
a) General English Section (Total Questions- 50)
- Passage Comprehension
- Vocab
- Grammar (English Language)
b) General Awareness (Total Question: 30)
- GK (Focused on Rajasthan state)
- General Science
- Natural Resources n Geo sciences
- Indian Economy
- Agriculture Sector
- Indian and Rajasthan History and Culture
c) Reasoning (Mental Ability)- 20 Question
- Competitive level reasoning only.
Best Books and Practice Sets Referred to Crack the Written Test of RRVPNL Jr. Account, Officer and Accountants Posts:
Here we have shared the books you required to cover the syllabus of this written Test:
RRVPNL Accounts and Officers Exam Part A Study Material:
Warning: we did not find any specific book designed for the above told
posts written examination however we have researched and advise
candidates to buy below given all books for preparation of your written
Examination of RRVPNL Accountant Jobs.
Fundamentals of Accounting with Multiple Choice Questions 4th Edition
List Price: Rs.220Our Price: Rs.187
Auditing Question Bank 1st EditionList Price: Rs.125Our Price: Rs.119
Question Bank Cost Accounting and Financial Management with Answer Hints for CA-IPCC / PCC 2 EditionList Price: Rs.160Our Price: Rs.123
Question Bank Advanced Management Accounting with Answer Hints for CA FinalList Price: Rs.125Our Price: Rs.96
RRVPNL Accounts and Officers Exam Part B Study Material:
Book Recommended for Part B Current Affairs and GK:
Rajasthan General Knowledge: An Introduction
Our Price: Rs.45
Book Recommended for Part B General Awareness:
Combo of Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations 17th Edition
Our Price: Rs.697 (50% Off)