the detailed information on the paper scheme and examination pattern of
SSC Steno Grade C and Grade Written Test 2013, Information with exam
schedule and paper, topic, section wise marks explained
As we all
know that on 29 December 2013 SSC will hold a written examination to
short candidates for skill test of stenographer posts vacant in various
departments and to be selected through the staff section commission of
Applicants at this point should start their preparation for
the written test and to make a study plan follow the pervasive tip
behind getting success of any competitive exam and it is “Know your
Exam”. So here my question to the entire aspirants of SSC Stenography
posts is; do you know the SSC Stenographer Latest Paper Patter? Do you
know the updates exam scheme? Do you have idea about structure and
question types as well as topic wise syllabus details? If not then
consider going through the below given details of SSC Stenographer Grade
C and Grade D exam pattern-
SSC Steno Group D, Group C Exam
Exam Pattern Explained
SSC Stenographer exam is one of the most competitive exams in series of
Stenography related job tests. At any state or at national level except
this exam you may not find a difficult competition than this so
obviously basic preparation is not enough to get success.
positive side of this test is; you do not need to study vary hard
subjects and topics, the syllabus and examination pattern is basically
designed like any other competitive exam just because of the number of
candidate appearing in this exam we call it one of the hard Nut to crack
in stenography career jobs.
The SSC Steno Written Examination comprises of MCQ Based Question papers as explained below:
SSC Stenographer Exam Date: 29/Dec/2013 (Sunday)
- Time Allotted: 120 Minutes (For PH category: 140 Minutes)
- Negative Marking: 0.25 Marks deduction on each wrong attempt
- Max Marks: 200
SSC Steno Part 1:
- General Intelligence and Reasoning (G.I. & R.)
- Total No. of Questions: 50 MCQs
- Total Marks: 50
- Paper Language: English/Hindi
SSC Steno Part - II
- General Awareness Paper
- No. of Questions: 50 MCQs
- Max. Marks: 50
- Paper Language: English/Hindi
SSC Steno Paper - III
- General English and Comprehension
- No. of Questions: 100 MCQs
- Maximum Marks: 100
- Maximum Marks: 100
- Paper Language: English
As stated in the bullet point that the SSC Steno is structured basically on MCQ based questions related to various common areas.
FAQ’s related to SSC Stenographer Exam:
Can we use calculators (normal or scientific) in SSC Stenographer Exam?
No! The Staff Selection Commission does not permit any kind of electronic device in the examination hall.
What are the things I should carry in Examination Hall?
Candidates are advised to go along with a admit card, legal ID proof and Black+white ball paper.