TNPSC Group II Main Exam held on October 2014- Expected Cut off Marks Result, Paper Discussion – Analysis and Review of paper with Supposed Exam Result Announcement Date with Paper Solution

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission conducted the Group II examination to fill up 1757 posts, the question paper for the TNPSC Group II Main Exam was structured as per the normal pattern that was provided by the TNPSC Officials.

How was your TNPSC Group 2 Question Paper? 

Candidates on 2014 has appeared in the examination and as per our reporters survey at various centers of TNPSC Exam found students giving very positive response about the question paper, this way it is expected that the result and cut off Marks for appointment and interviews for the next stage will go a bit unexpected.. Yes! The easy question paper will lead to a higher cut off result. Nearly 50,000 students who successfully cleared the first phase (TNPSC Group 2 Combined Subordinate Services Preliminary) exam participated for the Group II Test.  The date of result announcement tentatively being measured in between of December 2014, in the meantime our team of experts has decided to give you close lookup on paper by giving you an overall review and analysis of TNPSC Group II Exam.
To do so we are conducting a simple poll and expect our readers to participate in this so that we can reach to a very close point of paper solution, result and difficulty level as well as success rate.

Please Participate in TNPSC Group II Main Exam 2014 Result Poll:

What should be the Cut Off result of TNPSC Group II Main Exam?
What should be the Cut Off result of TNPSC Group II Main Exam?
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Which Section was Difficult to Answer in TNPSC Group II Main paper?
Which Section was Difficult to Answer in TNPSC Group II Main paper?
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TNPSC Group II Exam Result Announcement Expected Date:

Tentatively result should be announced between the last weeks of November or in beginning of December 2014.
01 Nov 2014