UP Power Recruitment Exam details
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation is going to conduct the recruitment examination on 16th / 17th November 2013. Candidates who will be appearing in the exam can check the details of the examination which is given below.

Examination Details
Selection Process will be based on written Test(Computer Based Test (CBT) and Interview.

Test Centers
Computer Based Test (CBT) will be held at
Meerut cities .

The test will be of 200 marks and shall comprise of total 200 questions out of which 150 questions shall be from the diploma level engineering branch of the post applied.
20 questions of General Knowledge / Awareness
20 questions of reasoning
10 questions of General Hindi

Each correct answer shall carry one mark each  and each wrong answer shall carry negative marks of 0.25.
Please note that the maximum numbers of candidates shortlisted will be equal to 3 times the number of vacancies in the category. More details with the sample question will be updated soon, applicants are requested to keep visiting the page for more updates.

Click here for more details
26 Oct 2013