TNUSRB Webpage 1TN Special Police Youth Brigade Result 2013 - Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) recently conducted a written exam for the recruitment of fresher's in this newly made Special police force that functions in Tamil Nadu state.
The total number of vacancies were 10,500 for both male and females and the examination held on 10th November 2013. Answer booklets/Paper solution has already been published, you can check them here.
The board behind the recruitment is Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board and was instantiated in 1984. It handles the police department, Prison department & Fire & Rescue Services. So in order to recruit new candidates, TNUSRB releases several vacancies every year that includes Sub-inspectors of police, Grade 2 police, fireman, Jail warders and other relevant posts. The board functions with the directions given by boards members including superintendent of Police & deputy Superintendent of Police.

Check TN Special Police Youth Brigade Result Online

As you can check answer keys are already published on the website of TN Uniformed Service Recruitment Board at Results are yet to be announced by the board. After you got any confirmation about the release of TNSPYBR results, you can follow the instruction written below to check it online.
  • Open the website
  • The webpage will look like the one below, then click on “ Click to enter site “ as seen in the image.

  • On, the next page you will see all latest notification released by TNUSRB and the webpage will look like below one.
TNUSRB Webpage 2
  • As you can see, two notifications one is about Answer Key and the other is about Eligibility of candidates for written test.
  • After the release of results, you will find a new notification saying “ TNSPYB – Written examination Results 2013-2014.
  • and click on it to download your results.
30 Nov 2013