IBPSThe result announcement of IBPS CWE RRB Exam is appearing to be confusing this time. Without specifying direct status of the candidate, a long written message is getting displayed on the website. The Pass or fail status is to be understood by this message only. But only some of the candidates are able to understand this message properly and rest are getting more confused. We will help you in understanding these messages properly.

  1. If you have received this message “ You have secured the minimum qualifying scores as per stipulation in the Online CWE for recruitment of Officer Scale I/ Officer Scale II / Officer Scale III/ Office Assistant held on 21.09.2013/ 22.09.2013/ 28.09.2013/ 29.09.2013/ 30.09.2013/ 05.10.2013/ 06.10.2013.- This clearly means that you have cleared the written exam and now will be able to sit in the interview process. Rest information about Interview dates & Timings, will be published on the website very soon.
  2. If you received this message “ We regret to convey that you have secured less than the minimum qualifying scores as per stipulation. Scores obtained by you in the examination will be available on this website within 15 days. Wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
    - That means you are fail in the written exam and you won’t be eligible for further selection procedure. Since, you are failed to score the minimum passing marks for this IBPS CWE RRB exam, you need to be well prepared for your exam before you give it next time.
  3. If you received this message “ Your candidature, for Online CWE for recruitment of Officer Scale I/ Officer Scale II / Officer Scale III/ Office Assistant held on 21.09.2013/ 22.09.2013/ 28.09.2013/ 29.09.2013/ 30.09.2013/ 05.10.2013/ 06.10.2013, has been cancelled.

    - This clarifies that your candidature has been cancelled due to the reasons of ineligibility of your language of Class X. Remember that only those students are eligible to give this exam who passed their X class with either Hindi or English as their languages. Any other language will not be welcomed by the IBPS board and you will be disqualified. Also, you could have made some errors while filling up your profile that do not fit in the eligible parameters of exam.

How to check your total Marks/Score ?

As written in the message, this is only a small notification result that will tell the candidate about his/her pass or fail status. All students who don’t secures the minimum qualifying scores will not participate in any further process. Those candidates who clears this level will be able to check their scores within the next 15 days on the website. They will be able to see the complete weightage of marks their scored in different subjects & in different papers.

Who are eligible for Interviews ?

All those students whose profiles fit in the eligible parameters of IBPS CWE RRB & who has successfully cleared the written exam are eligible to enter into the interview proceedings. Failed to follow these criteria makes you ineligible for further process. It depends on their RRB board to select few candidates out of the total number of eligible candidates to be summoned for interviews.

                                         Check here : IBPS CWE RRB result 2013

06 Nov 2013