2. CSIR UGC NET Exam Details :
held in two sessions which are morning and afternoon. The total marks
of exam is 200 (two hundred) and the duration of each paper is 3
(three) hours. The timings of CSIR UGC NET June 2013 examination is
shown below as per the subjects. Morning Session : During 9.00 AM to 12.00 PM.
1. Life Sciences.
2. Physical Sciences.
3. Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences.
Afternoon Session : 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM.
1. Chemical Sciences.
2. Mathematical Sciences.
3. Engineering Sciences.
3. Download CSIR UGC NET December Admit Card 2013 - http://www.ugcnetonline.in/ or http://csirhrdg.nic.in/ or
3. Download CSIR UGC NET December Admit Card 2013 - http://www.ugcnetonline.in/ or http://csirhrdg.nic.in/ or
4. CSIR UGC NET December Exam 2013 Centers tentatively :
5. CSIR UGC NET Contact Address :
Human Resource Development Group
CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa
New Delhi 110 012 India
Email : headhrdg@csirhrdg.res.in
EPABX Lines: + 91 – 011 – 25841582.
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