The joint exam of CSIR & UGC is scheduled in the December Month on 22nd. As previously, there happens to be separate examinations for both CSIR & UGC NET (National eligibility test). Candidates who have already filled up there forms and were waiting for the release of their e-admit cards can download the same from official CSIR website :
CSIR being the composition body of Human Resource Development Group (HRDG) is practically among the worlds largest publicly funded R&D organization. To maintain the standards, HR department of CSIR make recruitments twice a year to allow various new candidates to show their talent. A CSIR exam normally consists of these subjects : subjects - Chemical Sciences; Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences; Life Sciences; Mathematical Sciences; Physical Sciences; Engineering Sciences and that surely requires a die hard preparation before exam.
CSIR-UGC NET 2013 Exam Time-Table, Schedule :
Download CSIR-UGC NET Exam Admit Card 2013
If you have already registered yourself for the upcoming 22nd December exam, you can visit to download your CSIR-UGC NET admit card.Tips to get your Exam Admit card
- Open this link
- Find the main menu at the centre of Homepage and navigate through Activities at a glance.
- Scroll down to “e-Admitcard for NET 22 December, 2013”.
- Click on Server option to get your admit card.