Today’s IBPS CWE Clerk III Exam- Download Question Answer Sheet for Online Exam Dated 14, 15 December 2013 for both Morning/Evening Shifts – Paper Analysis and Review of IBPS Clerical Cadre

Today on 14 December 2013 (Saturday) and 15/12/2013 (Sunday) Institute of Banking Personnel has conducted the final schedule of IBPS CWE Clerical Cadre III, The exam was taken into 2 meetings sequentially morning and evening shifts.
This article of mine will help you to reveal the answers of most desired queries that you have in your mind, we are not going to announce any result neither the vague information related to IBPS Clerk III instead the article is all about the Answer Key of IBPS Clerk III Exam dated 14/15.12.2013, to make this blog worth reading and sharing with your friends we are sharing the expert review along with a general discussion point and a poll based survey for our readers, these resources will give a very straight and clear idea on How was IBPS Clerk III Exam actually as well as you will be able to read reviews and feedback on IBPS Clerical Cadre 2013 Exam shared by Participants so overall it’s an all in one solution under one roof. I hope you will enjoy the read and information we are sharing. So let me start with general overview of IBPS Clerk III…

IBPS Clerk III Exam held on 14, 15 Dec 2013- Overview

IBPS the brand that allows you to work in banking sector specifically to work for many Publics Sector and Private Sector Banking intuitions in India, on this 14 and 15th Dec they have conducted the final schedule of IBPS Clerk III Common Written Exam, as stated in first para the exam was taken into 1st and 2nd shift on both day. IBPS is the expert in management as they always manage the large number of candidates with well-equipped facilities and rarely lacks on the art of finishing the phase of CWE.
Our reporters interviewed few IBPS Clerk III Exam participants at South Delhi centers to know their experience and most of them had a similar opinion about the exam of Clerk III Dated 14 and 15. They found the question paper time consuming but they also mentioned the exam were easy and relaxing in comparison to previous IBPS Clerk III Exams, so many of the questions left without answering even after knowing the answer of them do to time limitation. However a lengthy question paper was expected from IBPS as it’s been happening in all phases of Clerical Cadre. Let’s see what our expert have observed from these few exams of IBPS Clerk.

How Was IBPS Clerk III Exam- Dated 14, 15 December 2013? (Expert Review)

My Analysis and Review for this Exam: The question paper of all meeting were a bit unexpected if you ask me, as this year specifically the III Series of all the IBPS Exams has been a terrible experience for everyone whether it is PO, RRB or Clerk. The exams were being taken on toughest level this time, may be to refine the cream from the bulk number of participants…. According to me it’s a good way to reject the incompetent profiles just through a written test. Today’s exam of IBPS Clerk III was one of them…. Participants were struggling for answers in Numerical Ability (NA) and General Awareness (GA) section; these 2 sections were incredibly tough and lengthy but other sections of the question paper quite easy. 

If you ask me for section wise distribution of question paper difficulty then:

SectionLevel of Difficulty
English LanguageTough
Numerical Ability (NA)Toughest
General Awareness & banking (GA)Tough
Computer AwarenessEasy
In my glance overall it was a standard series of question paper for IBPS Clerk III Exam, any of well-prepared candidate can crack the exam. The cutoff for IBPS Clerk III is going to be very low- it will be in between of 90 to 120 Maximum.  
Please share your opinion about today’s IBPS Clerk III Exam, also share the questions that you faced in IBPS Clerk III held on 14 and 15 Dec 2013.
Use the comment box to share the questions of today’s IBPS Clerk III Exam and our experts will reply with answer to each question you share.
The official answer key and paper solution of these sets will be announced soon :)
14 Dec 2013