for IBPS PO-III interview schedule? IBPS has released the complete schedule of IBPS PO-III common interview. The result of IBPS PO/MT CWE-III online exam was declared on 27.11.2013 and the marks/scores in IBPS PO-III exam was released few days ago. Now the IBPS PO-III common interview schedule has been officially published.

The common interview for IBPS PO-III recruitment 2013 will be started from 02.01.2014 onwards. The call letter for IBPS PO-III common interview will be available after 16th December, 2013. The centre, address of the venue, time & date of IBPS PO-III common interview will be mentioned in the interview call letter. Intimation regarding IBPS PO-III interview schedule will be sent to the Email ID and mobile number of the shortlisted candidates.

Important: The shortlisted candidates are required to produce all the necessary documents/testimonials in original as well as photocopies while appearing for the common interview. Which documents, needed to be produced, are clearly mentioned in the official notification of IBPS PO/MT CWE-III recruitment 2013.

Important Dates:

- Download of call letters for Interview: After 16.12.2013
- Common Interview starts from: 02.01.2014 onwards
- Provisional Allotment will be made in: April 2014

Good Luck for your interview!
10 Dec 2013