Kaveri Grameena Bank Recruitment 2014 details :
Total jobs : 716
Names of the Posts:
01. Officer Scale-III: 05 Vacancies
02. Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer): 24 Vacancies
03. Officer Scale-II (Information Technology): 13 Vacancies
04. Officer Scale-II (Charter Accountant): 01
05. Officer Scale-II (Law): 01
06. Officer Scale -II (Treasury Manager): 01
07. Officer Scale -I: 220 Vacancies
08. Office Assistant (Multipurpose): 451 Vacancies
Age limit: Candidates maximum and minimum age for post code 01 required between 21 – 40 years, 21- 32 years for post code 02 to 06 and 18-28 years for post code 07 & 06.
Qualification: Degree in relevant disciplines. For detailed information please read recruitment advertisement carefully.
Application Process
Kaveri Grameena Bank has placed online job registration form at their website www.kaverigrameenabank.com, registration open between 11/12/2013 to 26/12/2013. After submission of form online make sure that form must be sent to bank online successfully and take printout of the same for interview process.
Important dates :
KGB Opening date: 11/12/2013
Closing date:26/12/2013
Last date for reprint : 11-01-2014
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