Lakshmi Vilas Bank Manager Vacancy Details:
Organization Name: Lakshmi Vilas Bank (LVB)
Name of the Posts: Marketing Professional
Eligibility Criteria:
Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 25 years to 35 years. Age relaxations is not applicable.
Educational Qualifications: Candidates must possess the
qualification of Master Degree preferably in marketing from a
recognized university, with knowledge in credit and Foreign Exchange
Trade Finance, with experience/ proved track record in marketing.
Application Fee: There is no application fee applicable for
the above posts.
Selection Procedure: Candidates will be selected on the
basis of their performance in Interview.
How to Apply: All those candidates who wish to apply for
Marketing Professional posts in Lakshmi Vilas Bank, they need to apply
through sending
application in prescribed format by superscribing the envelope with the
position to the following address to the 16th November 2013.
The Assistant General Manager, HRD Department, The Lakshmi
Vilas Bank Limited, Regd. & Admn. Office, Salem Road, Kathaparai,
Last Date: Last Date for Receipt of Application Form: 31-12-2013
More Details: Candidates are advised to read official
notification for more details about Lakshmi Vilas Bank Recruitment regarding age
limit, Educational qualification, selection process, pay scale, how to apply and
application form.