Government Recruitment Notification 2013

Regional Officee, Amaravati, Maharashtra has delivered notification for filling up of 50 Various Vacancies.

Total No. of Posts: 50
Name of the Post:
1. Storekeeper: 01 post
2. Senior Clerk: 06 posts
3. Clerk-Typist: 03 posts
4. Lab Assistant (Technical): 12 posts
5. Electrician: 01 post
6. Saachekaar: 01 post
7. Laboratory Technician: 02 posts
8. Yantra Kaareegaar: 01 post
9. Patre Ni Nalakaareegaar: 01 post
10. Lab Assistant: 08 posts
11. Peon/ Library Peon: 04 posts
12. Hamaal/ Laboratory Attendant: 10 posts

Educational Qualifications: 

SSC with Typing Knowledges for S.No.01 & 03 posts
Degreee (Arts, Science., Commerce) with 1 year experience in relevkiant field for S.No.2 post
Diplom in Engineering/ Techology with 1 year experience in relev;ant field for S.No.4 posts

Reffer the notificationn for remaining posts.

Selection Process: 

Written Test

Application Fee:

Unreserved candidate have to pay the sum of Rs.150/- (for S.No.1, 2 & 3 posts) and Reserved candidates have to pay the sum of Rs.75/- (for S.No.1, 2 and 3 posts) & Unreserved candidates has to pay thje sum of rupee Rs.200/- for remaining posts, Reserved candidates has to pay the sum amount Rs.100/- for remaining posts DD through any Nationalized Bank drawn in favor of Joint Director of Technical Education, Amaravatii, payable at Amaravati.

How to Apply: 

Applicantees have to apply online through the website Official
Important Dates:
Last Date for Online Registrationsz: 26.12.2013.
Date of Written Testz: 11 & 12.01.2014.

Click here for Online Apply
18 Dec 2013