UPSESSB PGT TGT Examination 2014- Latest Syllabus Details with Exam
Pattern, Scheme and Best Reference Books with Previous Year Solved
Papers of UP PGT TGT For Preparation.
U.P. Secondary Service Selection Board has announced the UPSESSB Recruitment 2014
to fill up 7140 posts of Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) and Post
Graduate Teachers (PGT) to be appointed in Primary and upper Primary
Schools on teacher and lecturer positions. The selection of these
candidates will be made on the basis of a written examination formally
known as UP PGT and UP TGT Exam.
So when thing comes to a competitive examination it is obvious that there is a standard pattern and syllabus should have been provided by the officials to study subjects and related topic. Without syllabus we can’t even think of starting our preparation because every second we will end up with confusing thoughts like where to start, what to read and what not to read etc. knowing syllabus will show you the right path and it will delimit the topics to study.
If you’re one of those reader who are preparing for UPSESSB
PGT or UPSESSB TGT Examination then consider reading this post as you
will find the detailed syllabus for each paper with its syllabus
provided by UPSESSB officials, we have also suggest some best books and
study material containing previous year solved papers, paperbacks etc.
to crack the written examination of UPSESSB PGT TGT Exams…
UPSESSB Teachers Recruitment 2014 Written Examination Pattern –
Pradesh Secondary Service Selection Board Examination has distinct
syllabus and examination pattern for both UP PGT and UP TGT. Below we
have stated information on PGT and TGT Pattern, Examination Scheme and
Syllabus in details.
UP TGT PGT 2014: Exam Pattern and Syllabus
TGT Question Papers are divided into 2 parts, Part 1 and Part II. The
question paper will be of 3 hours duration in that a total 200 questions
based on Multiple Choice Questions format.
The Part 1 of paper
will ask questions related to English and Hindi whereas in Part II- GK,
Hindi and Concerned subject related questions will be asked.
The concerned subject refers to the following subjects in UP TGT PGT Exam:
UP TGT 2014: Concerned Subject Syllabus
Sanskrit, Urdu, English, Science, Zoology, Mathematics, Home Science,
Sociology, Arts, Music, Singing, Commerce, Agriculture, Physical
Education, Katai Bunai and Silai
- Click Here to Download Subject Wise Syllabus of UP T.G.T.
UP PGT 2014: Concerned Subject Syllabus
Chemistry, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Zoology, Mathematics, History,
Civics, Economics, Education, Psychology, Agriculture, Geology,
Sociology, Music, Military Science, Reasoning, Home Science and Pali.
- Click Here to Download Subject Wise Syllabus of UP P.G.T.