Best Study Material & Reference Guide Books for Rajasthan Police Constable Exam 2014 Preparation along with Last Year Solved Papers & Sample Papers for Mock Preparation.

In my previous blog we discussed about the Rajasthan Police Constable Exam Syllabus and Question Paper Pattern for 2014 session, we hope that it was a valuable read for Raj Constable Police Recruitment 2014 Aspirants, after knowing the syllabus we know that you want to purchase best syllabus books and study material to crack the Rajasthan police Constable written examination.
This article of mine is written with intention to provide you best available reference study guide books for the Rajasthan Police Constable Exam 2014 preparation, we have also share books with previous year question paper and their solution so that you can take your speed tests as mock preparation of Raj Police written test.

How we choose best reference guide books and study material-

We have a specific benchmarking technique to rate and refer books to our readers; we always consider your need and content quality on the basis of following parameters-
  1. We first look at the content and formatting and match it with the provided pattern and syllabus of particular exam.
  2. We always perform deep analysis to make sure that the books we have to suggest should have covered all topics told in the syllabus provided.
  3. Another important factor that help us in finding the best book is, we check publisher & book rating at various shopping sites, we also read review that buyer lefts after using books. It help us in reaching to a closure decision
  4. One of the major factor involved in our suggestion is availability of previous year papers with solution bank for make practice along with the book.
  5. Apart from above mentioned parameters we also look for number of sample papers given to practice and study various topics.

Best Books for Rajasthan Police Constable Exam 2014 Preparation

On the basis of above parameters we have picked some best books available for you online, I on behalf of topjobsite can assure you that if you are ready to study hard than these books will be proved as a secret weapon of success for you. Below I am sharing my top rates books suggestions with previous year paper solution banks for Raj. Police Constable Exam 2014-

A Must Buy for GK Section of Rajasthan Police Constable as it needs Latest GK

Rajasthan Samanaya Gyan Dirgdarshika (Hindi) 

List Price: Rs.250
Our Price: Rs.175

Best Reference Books & Model Previous Year Paper for Raj Police Constable Exam-

30 Mar 2014