Mahavitaran Upkendra Sahayak Online Test 2014- Section Wise Syllabus
Details, Paper Pattern & Test Explained along with best study
material, reference books & previous year sample papers for
MAHADISCOM Assistant Exam 2014
Maharashtra Vidyut Vitaran Nigam aka’ Mahadiscom recently announced to hold an online written examination on 27th April 2014 to complete the first phase of 1957 Substation Assistant Recruitment 2014,
as mentioned in the notification its compulsory to crack the
competitive online examination to get short-listed for the Interview
round for the final appointment.
A total of 3 lakhs candidates have applied against the 1957 posts of Upkendra Sahayak vacancies,
so we can smell the competition easily, it is going to be a very tough
deal to pass through selection process criteria if you are not studying
with determination and dedication.
This article of mine is written to provide you complete syllabus of Mahadiscom Substation Assistant Online Exam to be held on 27thApril
2014, apart from this we are also sharing best reference books to crack
this exam and also the last year solved papers of Mahadiscom Substation
Assistant Exam, starting with the section wise syllabus & pattern
Mahadiscom Substation Assistant Exam Pattern & Paper Scheme 2014-
The Substation Assistant exam will be taken in online mode in that you
will be provided a system at examination center, you will have to
answer all the questions over computer, the whole server is to be
monitored by Mahadiscom itself.
Mahadadiscom Substation Assistants Online Exam will be of 2 hours and
it will carry multiple choice questions from various categories related
to General Knowledge & Current Affairs of national and
international level.
MAHADISCOM Substation Assistant Exam in a Nutshell-
- Exam Name: Substation Assistant Online Exam
- Exam Date: 27 April 2014
- Language: Marathi
- Paper Type: MCQ Based Objective Type Questions
- Number of Questions: 100
- Maximum Marks: 200
- Duration: 2 Hours*
Mahadiscom Substation Assistant Online Exam Section Wise Syllabus Details:
General knowledge & Current Affairs
The general knowledge or general awareness part of Mahadiscom
Substation Assistant Exam refers to the current affairs and latest
happenings around the world, Indian culture, history & economy,
science, sports & maharshtra region related GK apart from this
Indian politics related questions will be asked.
Best Suggested Guide Book for Substation Assistant General Knowledge Part:
Manorama Year Book 2014
Our Price: Rs.155
List Price: Rs.210
Maharashtra General Knowledge
List Price: Rs.50Our Price: Rs.48
MAHADISCOM Previous Year Solved Papers , Mock papers & Practice Sets:
Yet we have not discovered the last year solved paper of Substation
Assistant Exam previous year paper, however to practice & mock
preparation the above suggested books contains a big collection of
questions related to each section, we advise you to practice them as
they are genrally asked questions from average competitive
examinations, so they will be enough for you to crack the test.
We wish you good luck for your future endeavors