Pay May 2014 Month Salaries and Pensions on 24.05.2014 to the State Govt Employees and Pensioners | Pay the Salaries to the State Government Employees and Pensions to the Pensioners for the month of May 2014 on 24.05.2014 instead of 02.06.2014 | Payment of Salaries to the State Government Employees and Pensions to the Pensioners on 24.05.2004

Payment of Salaries to State Govt Employees
Government of Andhra Pradesh, Finance Department has issued Government Order Ms.No.78 on 7th of April, 2014. In this order Government decided to pay the Salaries to the State Government Employees and Pensions to the Pensioners for the month of May 2014 on 24.05.2014 instead of 02.06.2014 in view of the Public Holiday on 01.06.2014 and also in view of appointed date being 2nd June 2014 for formation of Telangana State.


SALARIES-Payment of Salaries to the State Government Employees and Pensions to the Pensioners on 24.05.2004-Orders-Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 78 , Date: 07-04-2014.
Read the following:-
From the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad letter Rc.No.M3/3806/2014, dated 02.04.2014.

In the reference read above, the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad has informed that in view of re-organisation, the Government transactions related to combined A.P. State should be closed prior to scheduled date. The responsibility of payment of salaries and pensions for the month of May, 2014 lies with combined A.P. State. Normally salaries and pensions will be paid on 1st of succeeding month and the compilation and rendering of accounts to Accountant General will be completed by 15th of succeeding month. But in view of the reorganization of A.P. State, the compilation and account rendering work should be completed before appointed day. It is further informed that the process of presenting bills by the D.D.Os in respect of salaries and other claims need to be regulated and the D.D.Os should ensure that all the claims are presented at Treasury well in advance.

1. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Hyderabad has also informed that the liability of the combined State in respect of the claims arising upto 5/2014 to be settled, if any, in the month of June, 2014 needs to be examined and the liability should be allocated. To facilitate smooth rendering of accounts, orders for advancement of date of salary and pensions payment for the month of May, 2014, as a special case may be issued. All Heads of Department may also be informed to rationalize or restrict presentation of contingent bills during May, 2014 to smoothen the disbursement issues. In view of the above, she has informed that the payment of salaries and pensions for the month of May, 2014 may be permitted to be paid in the Month of May itself i.e. on 24th May, 2014 so that the monthly account processing work can be expedited. The Government transactions related to combined A.P. State, arising on or after appointed day may also be settled through interstate suspense account maintained by the Accountant General. Therefore she has requested the Government to issue necessary orders in this regard.

2. Government after careful consideration of the matter, hereby decided to pay the Salaries to the State Government Employees and Pensions to the Pensioners for the month of May 2014 on 24.05.2014 instead of 02.06.2014 in view of the Public Holiday on 01.06.2014 and also in view of appointed date being 2nd June 2014 for formation of Telangana State.

3. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad and the Pay and Accounts Officer, Hyderabad shall comply with the above orders for payment of salaries to the Government Employees and Pensions to the Pensioners on 24.05.2014 instead of 02.06.2014 for the month of May, 2014. They are also instructed to issue suitable instructions to their subordinate officers in this regard.

4. These instructions are also available in Andhra Pradesh Government Websites

13 Apr 2014