apgvb waitlist
Andhra Pradesh GrameenaVikas Bank (APGVB) has released a waitlist for Officer Scale-I and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) 2014 recruitment. In this waitlist total 2012 candidates for Office Assistant and 32 candidates for Office scale-I post have been selected. The provisionally selected candidates are required to report on 15.04.2014 (Tuesday) at 9.00 AM at DivyaDeepthiBhavan, Fathima Nagar, Kazipet, Warangal (2 KMs from Kazipet Railway Station) for document verification.

To view list of selected candidates for offficer scale-I (OS-I) and office assistant (OA) in APGVB 2014 RRB-II recruitment, check the following links-

Many many congratulations to all successful candidates!
13 Apr 2014