sbi clerk recruitmentGood News! State Bank of India has finally published the notification for the recruitment of Clerk/ Assistant in 2014-15 financial year. It has been heard since the end of 2012 that SBI is going to recruit clerk soon and hopefully they would release advertisement in June 2013. But all these news were false. Meanwhile the Managing Director of SBI, Mr. A. Krishna Kumar said in a interview that SBI may slow down PO/ Clerk/ SO recruitment process in next 2-3 years. As a result, aspirants were sure that there won't be any recruitment notification for clerk post in 2013-14. But SBI has come up with a new job vacancies for clerical cadres.

Eligibility details for SBI Assistant/ Clerk Recruitment 2014-15

Name of the Post: Assistant in Clerical Cadre
Vacancy : There are total 5092 clerk-posts are available in this year. The category-wise vacancies are as follows- (Gen 2690, OBC 1179, SC 760, ST 463). SBI has also released the state-wise vacancy details which are given in the official notification.
Age Limit: Between 20-28 years as on 01.05.2014. 
Pay Scale: The basic pay scale is Rs. 7200-400/3-8400-500/3-9900-600/4-12300-700/7-17200-1300/1-18500-800/1-19300. The initial salary for SBI clerk post will be around Rs. 17500.

Educational Qualification: Candidates must be a graduate from a recognized university. Candidates of final year/ semester in degree course may also apply.

How to apply for SBI Clerk 2014 recruitment exam

Application Fees: Rs. 100 for SC/ ST/ PWD/ EXSM and Rs. 450 for General and OBC candidates. Fees can be submitted through online (Debit/ Credit card/ Internet Banking) or offline (bank challan) payment mode.
Online Application Process: Applicants are required to apply through online mode of application only. First complete online registration through SBI's official website or After the successful completion of online registration, candidates will have to submit application fees online or offline.
Important Dates
- Online Registration of Application : 26.05.2014 To 14.06.2014
- Payment of Fees - Online : 26.05.2014 To 14.06.2014 
- Payment of Fees - Offline : 28.05.2014 To 17.06.2014

- Date of Written Exam : in July-August (tentatively)

For the official advertisement of SBI clerk 2014 recruitment, check here.
06 Jun 2014