CSIR UGC NET Dec 2014 Notification 

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is conducting the Joint CSIR-UGC Test on 21st December 2014 for determining the eligibility of the Indian national candidates for the award of Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) NET (National Eligibility Test).

Dar all candidates who interested for this CSIR UGC NET Dec 2013 examination can apply Through Online mode of application from 22nd July, 2014 to 13th August, 2014.
Eligibility Criteria for CSIR UGC NET Dec 2014 :
Age Criteria:
1. For JRF (NET) : Candidate's maximum age should be 28 years as on 01-07-2014.
2. For Lectureship (NET) : No upper age limit is mentioned.
Qualification Criteria: General and OBC Candidates should have don BS-4 years program/BE/BTech/BPharma/MBBS/Integrated BS-MS/MSc or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and SC/ST/physically and Visually Handicapped candidates should achieve  50% marks.
For Lectureship : should have PhD degree holders who have passed Master’s degree prior to 19th September 1991, with at least 50% marks are eligible
Application Fee Details:
For General Candidates application fee Rs. 400/-.
For OBC Candidates application fee Rs. 200/-.
For SC/ST/PH/VH candidates application fee Rs. 100/-.
Examination Centres : the UGC NET Dec 2014 examination will  be held at 26 Centers in all over India
How to apply for UGC NET 2014: All Eligible candidates are required to fill online application form of CSIR UGC Net 2013 from www.csirhrdg.res.in before 13th August, 2014 after filled online form then take printout of submitted application form and along with all mandatory documents and send to-
“Sr. Controller of Examination,
 Human Resource Development Group,
 Examination Unit, CSIR Complex,
 Library Avenue,
 Pusa, New Delhi-110012” 
Dear all candidate can see full Official notification from here and also Click Here for Apply Online
10 Aug 2014