Today 15th September 2014 celebrate as a Engineers day which is celebrated 15th of September in Memory Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvarayy. He was the most outstanding Engineer of all times.
Here in this page provide the latest / new Engineers Day 2014 sms or Engineers Day 2014 text messages and happy Engineers Day Wishes.
Share the Best Engineers Day 2014 quotes/Scrap in Facebook Wall, Send Happy Engineers Day 2014 wishes on whatsapp and Engineers Day wallpapers, Onam Engineers Day Greetings Card.

Engineers Day SMS Wishes 2014:

You can be a Doctor and save lives
You can be a Lawyer and defend lives
You can be a Soldier and protect lives
But why to play with others’ lives?
So we simply became engineers to screw up our own lives
Happy Engineers Day 2014!

To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Happy Engineer’s Day 2014!
Visit for -Funny Engineers Day 2014 Quotes & Wishes: 
29 Aug 2014