Gujarat Police Recruitment 2014: Gujarat Police  has released new recruitment4u, more than four hundred qualified male /female people get Jail Sipahi (Constables) job in Gujarat Police through this recruitment drive. Application process for these vacancies will complete only between 16.08.2014 to 05.09.2014. Since only few days left read recruitment notification carefully and if interested apply online as per instruction before the deadlines.

Gujarat Police Recruitment 2014 Details
Total Vacancies: 425
Serial 01: Male Jail Sipahi (Constables) – 400 vacancies
Serial 02: Female Jail Sipahi (Constables) – 25 vacancies
Online application submission date:  05/Sep/2014

Age limit: Age for male /female Jail Sipahi required between 18 - 20 years. For relaxation please go to official website and read advertisement carefully.

Qualification: 12th examination passed or equivalent qualified candidates can apply.

Selection Process: Written test, Medical Test, Physical Test & Interview

Application Fee: Rs. 112 for unreserved / OBC candidate
How to Apply
Gujarat Police will use their authorized website to accept application for Constable Recruitment 2014 project.  Last date to fill online application form is 05/Sep/2014.

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21 Aug 2014