VSSC Recruitment 2014: Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre has published every1job and this is for  Technician-B, Draughtsman-B & Fireman vacancies, if you have relevant qualification then this time you have golden opportunity to get government job in VSSC. Total 50 candidate will get appointment letter after qualify in competent written test & personal interview.  Online registration form available at www.vssc.gov.in website only between 11.08.2014 to 05.09.2014.

VSSC Recruitment 2014 Details
Total Vacancies: 50
Serial 01. Technician-B: 46 Vacancies (various trades)
Serial 02. Draughtsman-B (Mechanical): 02 vacancies
Serial 03. Fireman-A: 02 vacancies

Age limit: Age of general / open category candidate should not be over 35 years in any circumstances on 05/Sep/2014. If belongs to other category please read advertisement for any relaxation.

Qualification: SSLC/ SSC pass, ITI/ NTC/ NAC qualification required, complete information available in notification, downloading link available end of this post.

Application Process: As per VSSC notification, candidate need to clear two stages to apply for this VSSC Recruitment 2014. In first statge fill online application on or before 05/Sep/2014, link of form available at www.vssc.gov.in website and take printout after submission of form and send to address mentioned in advt on or before 12/09/2014.
