VSSC Recruitment 2014 Details
Total Vacancies: 50
Serial 01. Technician-B: 46 Vacancies (various trades)
Serial 02. Draughtsman-B (Mechanical): 02 vacancies
Serial 03. Fireman-A: 02 vacancies
Age limit: Age of general / open category candidate should not be over 35 years in any circumstances on 05/Sep/2014. If belongs to other category please read advertisement for any relaxation.
Qualification: SSLC/ SSC pass, ITI/ NTC/ NAC qualification required, complete information available in notification, downloading link available end of this post.
Application Process: As per VSSC notification, candidate need to clear two stages to apply for this VSSC Recruitment 2014. In first statge fill online application on or before 05/Sep/2014, link of form available at www.vssc.gov.in website and take printout after submission of form and send to address mentioned in advt on or before 12/09/2014.