CBSE Board Date Sheet 2015 Time Table for Class 10th, 12th Download 

Every year more than lakhs of students appeared in Central Board 12th Class (Senior Secondary) and 10th Class (Secondary) examination. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) generally declared the CBSE 12th Date Sheet and CBSE 10th Date Sheet in the month of January 2015.
Last year in 2014, CBSE Time Table/ Date Sheet, CBSE 10th, 12th, Class X & XII Exam Schedule will publish on 1st week of January 2013. Expected on this year 2015, CBSE 12th Time Table 2014 and CBSE 10th Time Table 2015 is also will be update in the first week of January 2015 on official website of the central education Board.

Note- CBSE Class 10th & 12th time table for the year 2014 isn’t published yet. will upload the CBSE Exam Schedule dates and exact time table 2015 as soon it has released and we will provide it PDF format also. Dear all Students should keep visiting this web page regularly for more updates on CBSE 12th/10th Date Sheet 2015. recommends the official link below to find the CBSE Board Date sheet/Exam Schedule 2015 during the month of September 2014 as they would be duly released by then.

CBSE 10th Class Time Table 2015- Link 1
CBSE 12th Class Date Sheet 2015 - Link 2

Check Official Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) 10th & 12th Class Date Sheet for upcoming Board exams in 2014, Subject-wise Schedule & Time table for 10th & 12th all streams (Arts, commerce & Science; Med & Non-Medical)
CBSE has already notified through their official website that the Date sheet of 2014 board exams will be released in the first week of January month. Yesterday on 2nd January, they finally released the date sheet with original schedule of all exams of 10th and 12th class. This date sheet will be applicable for all students who are studying in CBSE certified schools and eligible for board exams.
As per Secondary School Education (SSC) students, there exams commence from 1st march and will end on 19th march. CBSE also specified the reporting time at exam centers i.e. 10AM (half hour before the commencement of exam) and exam start time i.e 10:30 AM which will end after 3 hours.
Secondary School Examinations - CBSE Board 10th Class Date-sheet & Time Table
To download the above 10th Class Date-sheet, right click on the image and select save as options to save it.
or Use this
PDF file link.
As for Higher Secondary Examination (HSC) or Senior School Examination, the timing schedule like date of reporting and exam duration is similar to that of Secondary School Education. The first exam is scheduled on 1st March 2014, Language exam (English) that will commence at 10:30 AM and will end after 3 hours. Exams for 12th Class will end on 17th April 2014.
Senior School Examinations - CBSE Board 12th Class Date-sheet & Time Table
To download the above 12th Class Date-sheet, right click on the image and select save as options to save it.
or Use this PDF File link.
All roll numbers that will serve the purpose of entrance tickets (admission card) will reach to your concerned schools and will be distributed to concerned students. Your are supposed to take much care of your roll numbers. You must bring your roll number everyday of your board exams, without that you will not be allowed to enter the exam premises. Your roll numbers will contain detailed information like center of exam (school name), date of reporting, time table and your complete personal information.
06 Sep 2014