Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is going to conduct global competition for design of BIS Corporate logo and standard marks.  The 1st Prize Winner will get Rs 500000/- and 06 Category Awards of Rs 100000/- each.  Participants have to upload their entries online on or before on or before 28 November 2014 till 5.00 pm.  The official notification for this competition is available at www.bis.org.in.  The complete details of BIS Global Competition 2014 regarding registration, selection process, standard marks etc is mentioned below…
Details of BIS Global Competition 2014
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) New Delhi was established on 01/04/1987.  It comes under Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution (Govt. of India).  BIS confirms Indian standards for various products and systems.  Recently this organization issues notice for logo competition for the following Standard Marks:-
a) BIS Corporate Logo
b) Modernization of existing ISI Mark
c) Standard Mark for Self declaration of conformity for product quality
d) Standard Marks for BIS Systems Certification Schemes
e) General Add-On Marks
f) Add-on marks for products with multiple grades
Prizes for BIS Competition
1) First Prize – Rs 500000/-
2) Category Awards (Max 06) – Rs 100000/- (Each)
Selection Process
There are 100 entries would be shortlisted.  These shortlisted candidates evaluated by 07 member committee.  The screening would be for the four Basic Standard Marks as well as the two groups of add-on Marks. This would be an online process.
Competition Criteria
Max Marks
Marks Obtained
Is the design innovative and original
Is the design powerful and instantly recognizable
Is the design  simple to interpret and intuitive
Does the design have comprehension across region and languages 
Does the design meet the requirements specified for the particular Standard Mark/ Add on Mark
Is the design  distinct  for each certification schemes and conveys the level of assurance being given
Is the design suitable for conveying the message in   monochrome as well as full colour options
Is the format of the design such that it can be easily printable/reproducible
Is the design amenable to reduction or enlargement of its size

>> Apply Online for BIS Competition 2014

Contact Details:
Bureau of Indian Standards,
Manak Bhavan, 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi- 110002

19 Oct 2014