Improve your General Knowledge !!
Candidates who all are looking to improve their General knowledge and looking for guideline in this field are to be informed that we are sharing some tips to improve your general knowledge

Tip 1) Make reading newspaper as your habit as it will help you in improving your general knowledge a lot. Candidates who all are preparing for some competitive examination then this is must for you as if helps in knowing more and more about whats happening across the world. 

Tip 2) Don't give all your time in reading only one section make sure you divide your time in getting knowledge from all the sections, business, finance, sports, local etc.

Tip 3) Make a habit to read the editorial section in the Times of India section beside business times

Tip 4) Try to share knowledge about current happening with friends, colleges as it will help you to get more info about the same.

Tip 5) Google the current affairs and t will help you get more details especially from Wikipedia  