year the more than 60,000+ students are studying under Punjabteched, they are
waiting for Nov/ Dec Diploma exam date sheets to get ready for subjects in advance
of Punjab polytechnic diploma examination; The Punjab State Board of Technical
Education generally conducted the PSBTE polytechnic diploma Exam Schedule in
the month of November/December 2014.
As per PSBTE
academy calendar Punjabteched diploma Nov/dec exam 2014-15 will be start on last
week of November, 2014
Note- Punjabteched December Date sheet
2014 for polytechnic diploma exam isn’t published yet. doorjobs.blogspot.in blog team will provide
the direct link of the PSBTE December 2014 Exam Schedule dates very soon.
Dear all
Students should keep visiting on PSBTE timetable web page regularly for more
updates on PSBSTE Diploma timetable 2014-15.
(Students if have any query about Punjabteched diploma 2014 timetable
please put a comment below)
visit given official link of PSBTE Punjabteched Diploma December exam dates
sheet 2014