than lac applicants was applied for recruiting 1094 candidates for various post
vacancies in tn government, they are waiting for Group 2 Preliminary Exam Admit
Card to get ready for TNPSC Preliminary examination. As per Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission recruitment
calendar TNPSC Group II exam Hall Ticket 2014-15will be downloading on last
week of November, 2014
Note- TNPSC Group 2 Hall Ticket 2014 for
Preliminary Exam isn’t published yet.
Resultsaifi.blospot.in blog team will provide the direct link of the TNPSC
Group II 2014 Exam call letter very soon.
Dear all
Students should keep visiting on TNPSC Hall Ticket web page regularly for more
updates on TNPSC Group II Hall Ticket 2014-2015. (Students if have any query about TNPSC Group
II Preliminary Exam 2014 Hall Ticket please put a comment below)
visit given official link of TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Admit Card/HallTicket 2014