UP Village Development Officer Merit
List 2014 District Wise Results, UP VDO Cut Off List 2014 Download
government of Uttar Pradesh few days ago released UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari
notification for the recruitment of 2900 vacancies of Village Development
Officer post.
After filling the UP Gram
Panchayat Adhikari Online Application form, the Uttar Pradesh government will
declare UP VDO Merit list 2014, Gram Panchayat cut off marks 2014 on 08th
October, 2014 on its official portal.
Merit list will be issued on the basis of percentage of high School and
Intermediate (Class 12th). Then shortlisted candidates will be invited for
Personal Interview. Inter View Date is 6th November to 30 November, 2014
UP Gram
Panchayat Adhikari Merit list 2014 will also be prepared on the basis of no. of
vacancies available in each Districts and number of Applications received from
each Districts.
How to Download UP VDO Cut Off List
candidates first of all visit the official up basic board portal lik http://panchayatiraj.up.nic.in
Find the UP
VDO 2014 Merit List link.
Just click
on the link and Village Development Officer Merit List page will open.
required to some essential detail like roll number
submitted enter button now your UP VDO merit result will be displayed on your
computer screen. You may take the print out of this Merit list and cut of marks
result page.
Keep your download
UP VDO admit card with you while checking the merit list and result. So
that you may enter roll number correctly.
blog always try to keep you updated with latest information of UP Gram Panchayat
Adhikari 2014 Results, so whenever Uttar pradesh will officially declared UP VDO
Merit list 2014, UP VDO 2014 Result, cut off marks 2014, every1job team will instantly
present direct link to check the UP Village
Development Officer merit list result 2014 and cut off marks on this page.
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