UPPSC Recruitment 2014: Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has comes out with new every1job and this time for Officer & Engineer (various category) posts. All eligible people can apply by filling online application form from today i.e. 29.09.2014 and last date to fill form online mode is 30.10.2014
 (UPPSC) regularly provide new job opportunity for candidates who wants to make career in Engineering / Teaching / Officer and other positions. Good news is that UPPSC going to fill their vacancies in 2014 for more than 198 Officer & Engineer level positions. Now the point is are you eligible, below are the vacancy details, eligibility details and other information you need to know.

UPPSC recruitment 2014 vacancy details

Total Number of Jobs:198
Position: Various

Name of the Post
No. Vacancies
Chief Fire Officer (Fire Services Department)
Assistant Statistical Officer (Forest Department)
Assistant Statistical Officer (Evaluation Division)
Assistant Statistical Officer (Fisheries Department)
Vetting Officer (UP Secretariat Legislative Department)
Sports Officer (Directorate of Sport)
Deputy Sports Officer (Directorate of Sport)
Assistant Coach (Directorate of Sport)
Lecturer Physics (Social Welfare Department)
Research Officer (Statistics) Rajya Veitiya Yojna and Sansadhan Nedeshalaya
Assistant Statistical Officer (Commercial Tax Department)
Engineer (Zila Panchayat Department)
Professor (UP Chikitsa Shiksha Department)
Professor Repertory (UP Chikitsa Shiksha Department)
Registrar (Department of Higher Education)

Age: As per UPPSC advertisement candidates age required 21 - 40 years in case applied under general category. Age limit 23- 40 years for various posts.  But candidates interested in this job but crossed 40 year and also belong to reserved community will get some benefits as per government rules

Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree / Post Graduation etc.

    How to apply

    Online Application procedure: Visit UPPSC website http://uppsc.up.nic.in for submit application online in given prescribed application form. Candidates have to complete following three stages for successfully registration of form.

    1. User Instruction
    2. View Advertisement
    3. Apply

    Closing Date for Receipt of Applications Online : 30.10.2014
    Visit : http://uppsc.up.nic.in/Notifications.aspx for UPPSC Recruitment 2014 notification which include online application form, advertisement, selection procedure and other important details. 