BARC Recruitment of Scientific Assistant 2014
Bharat Atomic Research Center(BARC) has published the recruitment details for the 72 post of Engineer, Accountant, Officer and Stenographer.  Interested candidates can check the details and apply for the post. The last date to apply for the post is 31st December 2014.

Vacancies details

Post: Engineer, Supervisor, Accountant, Stenographer and Security Officer

Vacancies: 72

Education Qualification: 10th / Diploma / Graduation in relevant field

Age Limit and Pay scale:
Engineer - 40 years - Rs. 48882/-
Supervisor - 35 years - Rs. 30951/-
Cost accountant - 27 years - Rs.24729/-
Canteen Attendant - Min 18 years - Rs. 5200-20200
Stenographer Gr.II and III - Min 18 years - Rs.9300-34800

Check official advt I

16 Dec 2014