, MSCE Pune D.Ted Exam time table for First and Second year June 2015

MSCE Pune 1st & 2nd Year time table 2015
Maharashtra State Council Of Examinations, Pune has published the time table for D.Ted examination which will be conducted for first and second year candidates.

The examination will be conducted in the month of June 2015 from 8th to 17th June 2015. The
timings for the examination will 11 am to 2 pm for First year students and 3 pm to 5 pm for second year student.

Check the detailed time table for both the years below

Time Table for First year June 2015 Examination:

8th June 2015Education Evaluation
9th June 2015Indian Society and Primary Education
10th June 2015 Educational Management
11th June 2015 Psychology of Teaching & Learning
12th June 2015 Work Education
13th June 2015 Mathematics
15th June 2015 First Language (Content & Method)
16th June 2015 Second Language (Content & Method) Hindi & Hindi Marathi Composite
17th June 2015 Second Language – Marathi (Content & Method) For Hindi medium Candidates   

Time Table for Second year June 2015 Examination:

8th June 2015
Present status of Pri.Edn.Difficulties & remeidies (91)
9th June 2015
Health Education (Individual & School )
10th June 2015 
Third Language English (118/218/318/418/818)
11th June 2015 
Action Research & Innovations
12th June 2015 
Information, communication & Technology
13th June 2015 
Science & Technology
15th June 2015 
History, Civics and administration (95-A) (Content & Method)  
16th June 2015 
Envionmental Study& Geography
17th June 2015 
Third Language Marathi (317/518) (For English Medium)

20 May 2015