LIC 5066 ADO Exam Syllabus, Cut-Off, Previous year Sample papers 2015, Paper pattern, cut-off 2015

LIC Exam details

Life Insurance Corporation of India has published the recruitment details for the post of Apprentice Development Officers (ADO). Interested candidates can check the details & apply for the same from the link given below. Please note the last date to apply for the post is 30 June, 2015.

Since the number of  vacancies is high, this is a great opportunity for people who want to get a job in government or financial sector

Exam syllabus

Time allotted : 2 hours (120 minutes)
Test Name
No. of questions
Section I
Reasoning Ability
Numerical Ability
Section II
GK & Current Affairs
English language (Grammar & Vocabulary emphasis)
Section III
Insurance & Financial Marketing Awareness (Emphasis on Life Insurance & Financial Sector)

Paper Pattern

The paper will be divided into three sections - Section I, Section II and Section III..
Section I - Reasoning & Numerical Ability
Section II - GK, Current Affairs & English Language
Section III - Insurance & Financial Marketing Awareness

Being a government job, many applicants will be there to compete with each other and to clear this examination, it is necessary to be fully prepared and most importantly to avoid silly mistakes during examination.

Since, there is individual cut off in every section, candidate must ensure to attempt a sufficient number of questions to clear that section. Plan accordingly the time you want to dedicate to each section. If a question seems tough, do not waste your time on it and move further, because you have only 120 minutes to attempt 150 questions. Candidates need to understand that if the section is tough, the cut off for that will also be less. So, skip the questions that seem difficult.

Start with the section you are most confident about. Attempt the questions that are easy first and leave the difficult questions for the last.

Reasoning & Numerical Ability:

'Practice makes a man perfect.' This is the key for solving section I. You need to practice more and more to get an upper hand on such competitive examinations. Remember tables, squares, cubes, formulas, etc for quick calculation. Be alert while solving such questions, as one minor mistake can change the complete answer.

Reasoning Ability
Numerical Ability
Series Completion.
Number System, HCF, LCM
Time and Distance
Time and Work
Decision Making
Profit and Loss
Blood Relations
Distance & Direction
Simple & Compound Interest
Problem on Ages.
Arithmetic Problems.
Mirror Images
Data Interpretation
Cubes Dice
Ratio and Proportions
Non Verbal Series.
Simplification and Decimal Fractions

GK & Current Affairs and English:

Candidates need to build up their general knowledge and should go through the newspapers regularly to increase their current affairs knowledge. Also, more focus is given on the grammar and vocabulary in English language. So, it is recommended for the candidates to keep the rules of grammar on their tips. Reading newspaper or any good English book will improve your vocabulary and will help you score well. One of the most recommended book to increase the vocabulary is Norma Lewis - Word Power

For General Knowledge, the most sought after book is Lucent's General Knowledge

General Knowledge & Awareness
English Language
National & International Current News

Grammar and Vocabulary
Financial & Economic News

Spotting Errors
Budget & Five Year Plans


Passage Making
Books and Authors

Jumble Word
Awards and Honors

Sentence Formation
Inventions & Discoveries

Cloze Test

Important Days

International and National Organizations


Insurance & Financial Marketing Awareness 

This section will mainly focus on multiple choice question from Life Insurance and Financial Sector.


Candidates need to clear each section separately and also, should obtain a minimum aggregate in the complete paper, which will be decided by LIC, to qualify for the interview. There will be 1/4th negative marking for every wrong answer.

LIC ADO 2013 cutoffs (via RTI):

Written Test Cut Off
Interview Cut Off
Final Cut Off Marks

Recommended Books

Sample Questions

Reasoning Ability

Ques : Which number replaces the question mark?

a) 10 b) 12 c) 14 d) 8

a) ITT
b) GSS
c) GRR
d) ISS
Answer C)

Ques: If DIAMOND is coded as VQYMKLV, how is FEMALE coded ?
Answer (A)

Ques: Pointing to a boy a woman says, "His father is father-in-law of that person whose father is father-in-law of mine." Then how boy is related to woman?
a) Son
b) Brother
c) Son-in-law
d) Brother-in-law
Answer: (B) 

Ques: Bank : Money :: Transport : ?
a) Goods
b) Road
c) Traffic
d) Speed
Answer: (A)

Ques: 5 : 125 :: 9 : ?
a) 792  b) 972  c) 279  d) 729

Answer: (D)

Ques: A man went 10 Kms towards South. Then turned East and covered 10 Kms and turned to right. Again after 10 Kms he turned to left and 10 kms to reach the destination. How far and in which direction is he to his starting point?

a) 20 √2 km, South-East
b) 20 √2 km, North-East
c) 20 √2 km, South-East
d) 20 km, South-East
Answer: (A)

Ques: Decision Making Question
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Following criteria has been given for recruiting General Manager in ABC Pvt Ltd.
The candidate must:
(i) be a graduate with 70 % or Post Graduate with 65 % and graduation with 60%.
(ii) not be less than 24 years of age and not more than 30 years of age as on 1 June 2007.
(iii) have at least three years of work experience after completing graduation or PG.

In case of a candidate who satisfies all the criteria except:
(a) (i) given above, but has obtained a PhD degree, his/her case is to  be referees to Managing Director.
(b) (ii) given above but has more than five years of work experience, his/her case is to be refereed to the Chairman.

These cases are given you as on 1 June 2007.
Mark your answer as:
(a) if the candidate is to be recruited.
(b)  if the candidate is not to be recruited.
(c) the case of candidate is to be refereed to either the Managing Director or the Chairman.
(d) the data provided in the question is not adequate to take a decision.

Q (1): Rakesh is a first class Post Graduate and has obtained hid PhD in Science. He has been working for two years. He was born on 1 Jan 1981 and has secured 72 % in graduation.

Q (2): Sameer was born on 2 Oct 1983 and graduated in 2001 with 75%. Since passing his graduation he has been working in a company.

Q (3): Pallavi is 32 years old and is a graduate with 60% marks. She has 8 years of work experience.

Q (4): Ramesh has been working for last 8 years after his graduation. he got distinction in graduation. He has performed very well in the interview.

A (1) B
A (2) C
A (3) B
A (4) D

Ques: Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the mirror image of the given combination.

a) 1  b) 2  c) 3  d) 4
Answer (B)

Ques: How many dots lie opposite to the face having three dots, when the given figure is folded to form a cube?

a) 2  b) 4  c) 5  d) 6

Answer (D)

Numerical Ability

Ques: If numerator and denominator of a proper fraction are increades by the same quantity, then the resukting fraction is 
a) always greater than the original fraction.
b) always less than the original fraction.
c) always equal to the original fraction.
d) none of these.
Answer: (A)
Ques: How many five digits multiples of 11 are there, if the five digits are 3,4,5,6,7 in the same order?
a) 12   b) 13   c) 10   d) none of these 
Answer: (A)

Ques: The LCM of two numbers is 4800 and their HCF is 160. If one of the numbers is 480, the second number is
a) 16   b) 16000   c) 160   d) 1600

Answer: (D)

Ques: In a shipment of 120 machine parts, 5 percent were defective. In a shipment of 80 machine parts, 10 percent were defective. For the two shipments combined, what % of the machine parts were defective?
a) 6.5%   b) 7.0%   c) 7.5%   d) 8.0%

Answer: (B)

Ques: If cost price of 40 articles is equal to the selling price of 36 articles, then what is P% or L%?
a) 111/6   b)100/3  c)100/9   c)100/6

Answer: (C)

Ques: The average of 10 numbers is 40.2. Later it is found that two number have been wrongly added. The first is 18 greater than the actual number and the second number added is 13 instead of 31. Find the correct average.
a)40.2   b) 40.4   c) 40.6   d) 40.9

Answer: (A)

Ques: A sum of money lent out at simple interest amounts to Rs. 720 after 2 years and to Rs. 1,020 after a further period of 5 years. The sum and rate % are?
a) Rs. 500, 5%
b) Rs. 400, 15%
c) Rs. 600, 10%
d) Rs. 700, 20%
Answer: (C)

Ques: Given that 24 carat gold is pure, 18 carat gold is 3/4 gold and 20 carat gold is 5/6 gold, the ratio of the pure gold in 18 carat to the pure gold in 20 carat gold is?
a) 5:8
b) 9:10
c) 15:24
d) 8:5
Answer: (B)

Ques: Ratio of Ashok's age to Pradeep's age is 4:3. Ashok will be 26 years old after 6 years. How old is Pradeep now?
a) 18 years.
b) 21 years
c) 15 years
d) 24 years.
 Answer: (C)

Ques: A can do a piece of work in 15 days and B alone can do it in 10 days. B works at it for 5 days and then leaves. In how many days, A alone can finis the remaining work?
a) 15/4 days
b) 15/2 days
c) 12/5 days
d) 14/3 days
 Answer: (B)

Ques: A car travels 25 km an hour faster than a bus for a journey of 500 km. if the bus takes 10 hours more than the car, then the speed of the bus and the car are
a) 25 km/hr and 40 km/hr
b) 25 km/hr and 60 km/hr
c) 25 km/hr and 50 km/hr
d) none of these
 Answer: (C)

Ques: Two trains, 130 and 110 metres long, while going in the same direction, the faster train takes one minute to pass the other completely. If they are moving in opposite directions, they pass each other completely in 3 seconds. the speed of the trains is:
a) 42 m/s and 38 m/s
b) 38 m/s and 24 m/s
c) 42 m/s and 24 m/s
d) none of these
 Answer: (A)

Ques: A cubic metre of gold is extended by hammering so as to cover an area of 6 hectares. Find the thickness of the gold in decimals of cm, correct to the first two significant figures.
a) 0.0017 cm.
b) 0.0117 cm.
c) 0.1017 cm.
d) none of these
 Answer : (A) 

GK and Current Affairs

Ques: World Computer Literacy Day is celebrated on 
a) December 2
b) July 5
c) November 14
d) November 3
 Answer: (A)
Ques: How many countries are the members of SAARC?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6 
d) 7
 Answer: (D)
Ques: World Red Cross Day is celebrated on?
a) May 16
b) May 11
c) May 8
d) May 1
 Answer: (C)
Ques: Which artist's autobiography is titled as "Autobiography of a Genius"?
a) Winston Churchill
b) Z.A. Bhutto
c) Otto Von Bismark
d) None of these
Answer: (D)
Ques: Which Indian cricketer was given the title ' Tiger'?
a) Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi
b) B.S.Bedi
c) Sunil Gavaskar
d) None of these
Answer: (A)

Ques: Fiscal Policy is connected with?
a) issue of currency
b) exports and imports
c) public revenue and expenditure
d) None of these
Answers: (C)

Ques: Which Nobel Laureate in Chemistry for his discovery of molecule’ Ubiquitin’, passed away in June?
Answer: Irwin Rose

Ques: Which city gets the nod to host the FIFA 2017 Under 17 World Cup?
Answer: Kochi
Ques: Who has been appointed as the Chief of BRICS Bank?
Answer: K.V. Kamath
Ques: New capital of Andhra Pradesh is?
Answer: Amaravathi 

English Language

Ques: Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is he answer. If there is no answer, the number is (e) (Ignore errors in punctuations, if any).
1. Governments and businesses must reduce (a)/ its own eneryfy use (b)/ and promote conservation (c)/ to their citizens and employees. (d)/ No error (e).
2. If the allegations (a)/ made against him (b)/ are found to be true (c)/ he could face rigorous imprisonment. (d)/ No error (e).
3. Having acquired some experience (a)/ she is no longer (b)/ one of those who believes (c)/ every explanation she is given (d)./ No error (e).
4. On discovering that (a)/ it was a forgery (b)/ he torn up the agreement (c)/ he had sighned (d)/ No error (e).
5. With reagrd to implementation the a)/ details of the proposal (b)/ the committe was divided (c)/ in its opinion (d). No error (e)
1. (B)
2. (D)
3. (C)
4. (C)
5. (A)
Ques: Rearrange the following sentences in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them
(A) To propose the idea of becoming perfected is not the same as saying that we human brings can be perfect.
(B) It only means that we are capable of learning, changing and growing throughout the span of our early life.
(C) Learning s a process that begins at birth and lasts till death.
(D) This development through understanding new things, transforming and developing throughout may be considered as the perfection of soul.
(E) Given that we are here to continually learn on the journey of life, it seems that the ultimate goal of learning is the perfection of our souls.
(F) Nor that we should be perfect in everything.
Q (1). Which of the following should be the SECOND statement after rearrangement?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) E

Q (2) Which of the following should be the FIRST statement after rearrangement?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) E
Q (3) Which of the following should be the FIFTH statement after rearrangement?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) E
Q (4) Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) statement after rearrangement?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) E
Q (5) Which of the following should be the THIRD statement after rearrangement?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) E
1. (E)
2. (C)
3. (B)
4. (D)
5. (A)

Ques: Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
1. When you want to digitalise a city _____ with millions, you don't bet _____ the odds.
d) dangling, for
a) proceeding, into
b) teeming, against
e) falling, above
c) undergoing, adhere
2. The numbers _____ by the legitimate online music service providers indicate that a growing number of users are ____ to buy music.
e) touted, willing
c) figured, fanatic
a) morphed, ignoring.
d) painted, interested
b) labelled, thriving.

3. If India is _____ on protecting its resources, international business appears eually ____ to safeguard its profit.
e) obsessed, prepared
a) dreaded, fragile
d) approaching, settled
c) bent, determined
b) stubborn, weak

1. (A)
2. (E)
3. (C)


17 Jun 2015