3000 UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari- VDO Village Development Officers- Uttar Pradesh 2013- Online Application Notification

Panchayati Raj Department- Uttar Pradesh has announced to recruit Gram Panchayat Adhikari (Village Development Officers: VDO’s) for 3000 posts vacant in various districts of UP. The Gram Panchayat Adhikari Recruitment 2013 will notify district wise vacancies of Village Development Officers on 6th September 2013.

News: Panchayti Raj Vibhag Mantri (Minister), Mr. Balram Yadav said in a conference that the department already has instructed the recruitment wing to start the process of recruitment for 2967 vacant posts of Gram Panchayat Officers. He stated the eligibility criteria for the Village Development Officers is NILIT- DOEACC CCC Certificate.

About Panchayati Raj System- Uttar Pradesh

Panchayati Raj Department is a system for those villages of Uttar Pradesh where Panchayats are the managerial and administration body majorly. These Panchayati Raj Departments are designed on 3 level structures in that: Village, Block and District. The Panchayati raj system came in to consideration when Mahatma Gandhi advocated it to manage the development through the decentralization of government and power into villages. The whole system comes under the India’s Political System.

UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Recruitment September 2013 – District wise Job Details and Detailed Notification

Job Title: Gram Vikas Adhikari (Village Development Officer)

Number of Posts:

Age Eligibility Criteria:
Age Limit: Minimum 18 to Maximum 30 Years

Minimum Educational Qualification:

§  Candidate must possess the 12th/HSc (Intermediate) in Science or Agriculture stream from any recognized board of education.
§  Apart from this it is mandatory to have or gain the DOEACC Society CCC Passing Certificate.
Pay Scale/Salary: INR: 5200 to INR: 20,200/- on Grade Pay of INR: 2000/-
Selection Process/ Procedure: Applicants will have to clear a physical test followed by a simple competitive exam (written).  
Note: Syllabus and study material for the UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari written examination will be posted soon on this site.

Fee of Application:

We will update this section on 6th September 2013 with official notice.

How to apply

  • To apply for the Uttar Pradesh Gram Panchayat Adhikari Recruitment 2013 candidates are advised to download the application form from the official website of panchayati raj department website. (http://panchayatiraj.up.nic.in)
  • After downloading the form fill it with the all required enclosure and submit it to the address given in the official notice.

Note: The application form will be available from 6th September 20113 with the official notice of UP VDO Recruitment 2013.

For more details, job profile and reservation rules please refer the official notification.

Links to Official PDF will be available on 6th September 2013

 Visit the official site to download the application form and related queries: http://panchayatiraj.up.nic.in
24 Aug 2013