Kerala University 2013Kerala University June-July Result 2013 – – UG/PG Results Check online
Kerala University is going to announce the results of all exams that were held in May-June-July months. Those exams included BA, BCA, MBA,, M.Tech, M.Sc of all semesters. However, the result date of these exams is not yet confirmed by the university. Results are going to be announced anytime by now. We advise all students to stay in touched with the official site of Kerala University.

About Kerala University

It took around 7 decades for the university to completely settle down. Long time ago, there were only two main colleges in kerala known to be modern colleges in Kerala, the mainUniversity College in Thiruvananthapuram and the Trivandrum Observatory. The University College was initially founded as the Maharaja’s Free School by Maharaja Swathi Thirunal in 1834, with Mr John Roberts. The University was modelled after the best Universities of the United Kingdom, and even today retains some of these features. As of Today Kerala University is known among the top 16 universities in India.

Kerala University June-July Result 2013

All those students who appeared in the university exams that were held in the month of May-June-July 2013 are eagerly waiting for their results to be announced.
As of now, only UG and PG results are going to be announced first and after that other results from different courses will be announced.

Check your results by going here :

25 Aug 2013