Interview, This is a round where the candidate is grilled by numerous questions thrown at him, most of which are extremely challenging and mind boggling. However, to prevent ruining your chances of bagging a post in your desired service it is essential to perform well in the interview round.

Interview Round, a very essential and common format of every selection, as the interviews are so common is hiring processes the questions too and one of them is; What are your Strengths? How to answer this innocent and simple looking tricky question during an interview round. below we are sharing some awesome ways of answering the interview question about your strength. Below you can find the strengths that you should told to HR for an impressive answer.
Some very ambiguous questions are thrown at the candidate like “tell us something about yourself” or “what your greatest strengths are?” These might sound easy but at that precise moment they are the toughest nuts to crack. Moreover, there are a few ways of answering these questions and the strategies are suggested below:
  • You need to realize and understand what qualities exactly are the interviewers looking for and accordingly you must highlight or project them. You must sound convincing and persuading as well; if you can convince the interviewer with your argument than half the job is done there itself.
  • When asked about your greatest strengths, the interviewer obviously does not want a self celebrating eulogy but certain positive qualities that you are aware of and can confidently validate with reason. This is very important in the course of the interview.
  • When talking about your strengths, always try to cite real life examples that you have handled or come across. Mere narration of your powers, skills and abilities might not sound convincing enough unless supported by real life experiences. Interviewers try to see how competent you are to solve crisis situations. Thus, circle your discussion around this.
  • It is always recommended to mentally list out a few positive qualities about you. Thinking there and then telling would lessen the impact. One must be prompt in his or her replies. And most importantly, try to be original and not pretentious. Do not say things which you do not possess. If caught then the results might be disastrous.
  • Try to uphold your honesty and integrity and reveal your humane side. In an attempt to show your confidence and sanguinary, do not land up being over confident and over smart. Ostentation is something that is utterly disliked by all assessors and hence, should be strictly abstained from.
  • Above all you have to be a good communicator or articulator and have to reach your ideas across to your interviewer. No matter how talented you are, if you fail to interact and communicate properly then your chances of impressing your assessors are ruined.
Thus, be zealous, passionate and confident about your abilities and leave no stones unturned to let your interviewer know about your talents and strengths. your reply should be practical and cohesive and not merely enumeration of adjectives. you can give a diplomatic reply like “Among the various positive and negative qualities that I possess, the balance might be lopsided to the former side by making things like so and so evident”.