Bhilai Steel Plant recruitment 2013
Bhilai Steel Plant has published the recruitment details for the 339 post of Operator cum Technician
(Trainee). Interested candidates can check the details & apply for the post from the link given below. Please note the last date to apply for the post is 4th November 2013.

Vacancies details
Name of the post: Vacancies
Metallurgy: 58 post
Electrical: 25 post
Mechanical/ Mechtronics: 167 post
Computer Science/IT: 05 post
Electronics: 65 post
Instrumentation: 10 post
Total: 339 post

SC: 39
ST: 105
OBC: 19
Ex-Serviceman: 47

Education Qualification: Matriculation with Three year’s full time Diploma in Engineering in any of the above field.

Age Limit: Minimum 18 yrs. & Maximum 28 yrs. as on 01/09/2013.

Training & Probation:: Candidates will go for the job training for the 2 years

Pay Scale: 
During Training Period:
10,700/- p.m. during 1st year and `
12,200/- p.m. 2nd year will be paid.

Regular grade/ pay scale of ` 9160-3%-13150/- (S-3).

How to apply: 
Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online through SAIL’s website: Choose “Career with SAIL” and then check under BSP/Bhilai Steel Plant. No
other means/mode of application will be accepted.

Physical Standard: Candidates will be required to meet following physical standard for
being considered for the post: -
Physical Standard Male Female
Height 155 cms 143 cms
Weight 45 Kgs 35 Kgs
Chest (Expanded) 79 cms 73 cms
Chest (Un-expanded) 75 cms 70 cms
Eye Sight 6/9 without glass
Power of glasses not to exceed (+,-) 02.5 D.
Colour Vision Normal (Colour blindness will be a disqualification)

Important dates
Starting date for submitting applications through website : 05/10/2013
2 Closing date for submitting applications through website : 04/11/2013

Click here for more details
27 Oct 2013