ITBP Constable Exam Answer Key 2013 – Solution Paper with Answers for Animal Transport ExamThe ITBP exam held on 6-October, Sunday on a large scale across hundreds of examinations centers in different states. The original notification was released several months before to recruit around 6000 thousand Police constables in Indo Tibetan Border Police.
The exam date is 6/10/2013 and lakhs of candidates have appeared in the examination. Answer keys will be available in the second week of October, till then kindly wait and revise all the answer options that you attempted.

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ITBP Constable Exam Answer Key 2013
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ITBP Constable Exam Answer Key 2013
About ITBP :
ITBP is a government security force that manages the stability at the country boarders. ITBP is responsible to handle any type of uncommon activity at boarders to keep our country safe and secure for every individual.

Answer Keys :

Like any other exam, the written exam of ITBP constable also contained objective type questions in different subjects covering aptitude, mathematics, logics, GK and English exam. The question paper is divided in different sections, each section belongs to a different subjects. The answer key contains all questions in all sections and their answer options. This way they give you an answer sheet that contains complete solution of the paper.
Negative Marking :
Negative marking is valid for all questions, 0.25 marks will be deducted for every negative answers and 1 marks will be added to your result sheet for every correct answer.
To know more about Answer keys and Cut-off marks in ITBP written exam, follow these steps :
  1. Open the official website of ITBPF :
  2. In the left sidebar, find Recruitment section and then select results sub-section in it.
  3. On the new page, drag-down to find the answer key menu.
  4. Find Key of written exam held on 06 October 2013 for Constable exam.
  5. Click on the link and download the keys.

Click here to visit the official website of ITBP, Police force.

06 Oct 2013