UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari Admit Cards - VDO Village Development Officers Call Letters 2013The online registration is almost finished and admit cards for the recruitment of 3000 posts in UP gram Panchayat are soon to be released. As stated in the official notification, the admit cards/call letters will be available right after 7 days after the last date of online registration. According to that, you will be able to get your call letters after 15th October.
On 6th September Panchayati Raj board released a notification regarding various posts for recruitment in UP gram panchayat. The number of posts were very high so huge number of candidates showed their interest and send their applications before the last date.

UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari Admit Cards Release Date :

As written in the official notifications call call letters will be released after the 15th October and candidates will be able to download them right after that upto 25th October. All participants who applied for the posts are eligible for the interview process that is going to be conducted first as the post doesn’t include any written exam.
In order to get your Admit cards for Interview process to may follow these steps :
  1. Open the website of Panchayati Raj Department : www.panchayatiraj.up.nic.in/.
  2. Go to the section of News and events.
  3. Find notification regarding call letters or Admit cards.
  4. Click on the link and enter your details like Name & Registration number.
  5. Submit to get it.
05 Oct 2013