SSC Stenographer Grade C and Grade D Exam 2013- Detailed Topic Wise Syllabus with Best Books to Crack Steno Test and Practice Sets with Previous Year Solved Paper for Download.
This is the
follow-up post in regards of my article on SSC Stenographer Examination Pattern, Now candidate seeking for SSC Steno Syllabus can go through the
below explained details and topic wise elaboration of Stenographer
Staff Selection Commission
Stenographer Exam 2013 Syllabus
Steno Group D and C
sharing SSC Stenographer Examination pattern now it’s time to educate
you about Syllabus of Stenographer Grade C and Grade D.
Part 1: General Intelligence & Reasoning G.I&R:
section covers nonverbal and verbal reasoning. Your questions paper of
SSC Steno in this section will give you problems related to below given
Analogies | Differences and Similarities | Problem Solving | Space Measurement |
Decision Making and Judgment | Analysis | Visual Metal Ability | Classification (Verbal n Figure) |
Discri. Observation | Concept Relationship | Reasoning (Arithmetic) | Number Series |
Abstract Ideas | Symbolic Identification | Symbol Relationships | Computation (Arithmetic) |
Analytical Functions |
Part II: General Awareness Section:
we all know that this section is actually made to judge you on the
basis of knowledge of latest current affairs. In this section basically a
candidate faces questions related to social aspects, National and
International level GK, economy of India, sports, culture, history,
politics and science achievements related questions. Such paper requires
you to have command over current affairs.
Part II: General English and Comprehension
just need to have command over your HSC level English Grammar Books and
Vocab also, nothing out of this book going to be asked in this exam.
What is the Skill Test in Stenography?
who clear the written test will be short listed for a skill test of
stenography as mentioned by the commission in Advertisement bulletin SSC
Steno Recruitment. This test will score your short hand typing scores
on a practical typewriter and computer typing test.
Download Previous Year Papers of SSC Stenography Exams:
SSC Stenographer Recruitment Exam with Solved Paper 2012 (Grade 'C' & 'D')List Price: Rs.195Our Price: Rs.117
Best Books to Crack the SSC Stenography Exam 2013
you are seeking for some best suggestion and reference books to prepare
for the SSC Stenographer Exam test then consider buying the below
suggested study material. We have chosen these books on the basis of
top ratings and syllabus suitability as well both recommendations
contain a big number of practice sets made like the papers pattern to
take sample speed test and analyses your performance.
SSC Cabinet Secretariat Stenographer Group C & Personal Assistant Exam Practice Work Book
Our Price: Rs.245
SSC Stenographer (Grade 'C' & 'D' ) Bharti Pariksha Hal Prashna-Patra 2012 Ke Saath (Hindi)List Price: Rs.195Our Price: Rs.117