Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana- KVYP Scholarship Examination 2014-15 | Latest Examination Pattern, Detailed Syllabus and Best Preparation Books to Crack the Written test
KVPY or Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana examination for the year 2014. It is basically a scholarship program that Government of India’s department of Science and Technology funds with the aim of motivating and encouraging students for taking up research as a career option in fields related to medicine, engineering and sciences. The whole program is administered and monitored by IIS or the Indian Institute of Science.
However, if you wish to sit for the KVPY exam, you need to be acquainted and well versed with the examination pattern and syllabus and that has been dealt at a greater length below.
Examination Pattern
One must know at the outset that the KVPY examination is open for three categories of students who can sit for the exam or apply for the scholarship.
- KVPY – SA for students studying in class XI.
- KVPY – SX for students studying in class XII.
- KVPY – SB for first year students studying B.Sc/M.Sc/B.S/M.S and so on.
Exam pattern for KVPY - SA
This examination consists of a single question paper that has two sections. Each section comprises of multiple choice questions from maths, physics, chemistry and biology. Each section has 15 questions carrying one mark each for the first half. For instance, mathematics has 15 total of 60 questions of 60 marks.
In the second half, each subject has 5 questions carrying 2 marks each. For instance, 5 questions from maths, 5 questions from physics and so on, carrying 2 marks each. This means that 10 marks from each subject are covered which sums it up to 40 marks total.
Thus, the whole paper is of 100 marks: 60+40 = 100. One must also be aware that each wrong answer has a penalty of 1/4th mark.
Exam pattern for KVPY – SX and SB
There are two parts in these examinations too and the subjects covered are the same. However, any three subjects are to be chosen in part one and two subjects in part two. The duration of exam is three hours and the marks division (3×20) + (2×20) = 100. The negative marking pattern remains same as the previous one, that is, 1/4th mark for each wrong answer.

Syllabus and other details
No formal and official syllabus has been prescribed by the NVPY board but it is expected to cover the major subjects and patterns of all competitive examinations. Students are expected to have a thorough and detailed knowledge of science subjects like physics, chemistry, and so on.
Previous years KVPY Exam Papers/ Sample Papers:
Being an active aspirant we look for best available study tool and one of them are practicing previous year papers. Below we are providing you the download links to KVYP Previous Year papers with answers (Solved papers) collection.
- KVPY Exam 2012 Papers Click here
- KVPY Exam 2011 Papers Click here
- KVPY Exam 2010 Papers Click here
- KVPY-SA Exam 2009 Papers Click here
- KVPY-SB Exam 2009 Papers Click here
KVPY Exam 2013 – Best Preparation Books
Basically you don’t need any specific book for this exam preparation if you’ve gone through your academic books of your class thoroughly. However to crack this exam the best practice set is available with very optimum study material to success in KVYP Exam 2013.
Some tips and strategies for smart preparation would include:
- Solving previous years’ questions and model test papers is the best way to practice for these exams.
- There are many books and question banks that are available in the market that focus exclusively on this examination.
- One is expected to have a strong command over the science subject and minute details should be known by heart.
- It is recommended to go through the past papers and model practice papers.
If you wish to pursue academics and research in any scientific discipline then this scholarship program would be the perfect choice for you. Following the above guidelines and details you can progress accordingly.
No shortcut tips and tricks can work and one has to go for long term preparations to crack exams of this magnitude.
Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana- KVYP Scholarship Examination
2013-14 | Latest Examination Pattern, Detailed Syllabus and Best
Preparation Books to Crack the Written test
KVPY or Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana examination for the year 2013 is scheduled to be held on 27th October 2013. It is basically a scholarship program that Government of India’s department of Science and Technology funds with the aim of motivating and encouraging students for taking up research as a career option in fields related to medicine, engineering and sciences. The whole program is administered and monitored by IIS or the Indian Institute of Science.
However, if you wish to sit for the KVPY
exam, you need to be acquainted and well versed with the examination
pattern and syllabus and that has been dealt at a greater length below.
Examination Pattern
must know at the outset that the KVPY examination is open for three
categories of students who can sit for the exam or apply for the
- KVPY – SA for students studying in class XI.
- KVPY – SX for students studying in class XII.
- KVPY – SB for first year students studying B.Sc/M.Sc/B.S/M.S and so on.
Exam pattern for KVPY - SA
examination consists of a single question paper that has two sections.
Each section comprises of multiple choice questions from maths, physics,
chemistry and biology. Each section has 15 questions carrying one mark
each for the first half. For instance, mathematics has 15 total of 60
questions of 60 marks.
In the second half, each subject has 5
questions carrying 2 marks each. For instance, 5 questions from maths, 5
questions from physics and so on, carrying 2 marks each. This means
that 10 marks from each subject are covered which sums it up to 40 marks
Thus, the whole paper is of 100 marks: 60+40 = 100. One must also be aware that each wrong answer has a penalty of 1/4th mark.
Exam pattern for KVPY – SX and SB

Syllabus and other details
formal and official syllabus has been prescribed by the NVPY board but
it is expected to cover the major subjects and patterns of all
competitive examinations. Students are expected to have a thorough and
detailed knowledge of science subjects like physics, chemistry, and so
Previous years KVPY Exam Papers/ Sample Papers:
an active aspirant we look for best available study tool and one of
them are practicing previous year papers. Below we are providing you the
download links to KVYP Previous Year papers with answers (Solved
papers) collection.
- KVPY Exam 2012 Papers Click here
- KVPY Exam 2011 Papers Click here
- KVPY Exam 2010 Papers Click here
- KVPY-SA Exam 2009 Papers Click here
- KVPY-SB Exam 2009 Papers Click here
KVPY Exam 2013 – Best Preparation Books
you don’t need any specific book for this exam preparation if you’ve
gone through your academic books of your class thoroughly. However to
crack this exam the best practice set is available with very optimum
study material to success in KVYP Exam 2013.
Some tips and strategies for smart preparation would include:
- Solving previous years’ questions and model test papers is the best way to practice for these exams.
- There are many books and question banks that are available in the market that focus exclusively on this examination.
- One is expected to have a strong command over the science subject and minute details should be known by heart.
- It is recommended to go through the past papers and model practice papers.
you wish to pursue academics and research in any scientific discipline
then this scholarship program would be the perfect choice for you.
Following the above guidelines and details you can progress accordingly.
No shortcut tips and tricks can work and one has to go for long term preparations to crack exams of this magnitude.