UPSC Special Class Railway Apprentice 2015 Advertisement No.01/2014-SCRA 4 year apprentice examination for Class 1 Mechanical Engineering Officers post formally known as Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineering Officer (IRSME)- Apply Online Notification Details.

SCRA 2015 Railway Apprentice Exam Notification:

UPSC has notified that SCRA 2015 examination will be conducted on 12th January 2015 and for this Apprentice Test UPSC SCRA 2015 Application Notification has already published news on its official website and in Employment News Sites. According to United Public Service Commission the Application forms can be submitted till Monday- 7 November 2015.

Lest know what is SCRA Exam?

SCRA Formally stands for Special Class Railway Apprentice that is one of the most demanding and enthusiastic approach to an awesome prestigious career as a Class I employee and such candidates who get admission for SCRA and after successful completion you get jobs as Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineering (IRSME). Candidates from science background in 12th grade can submit their application for this 4 year IRSME examination. Sometimes Chairman of Railways and its departments are also being selected from these category employees with a vast experience in Indian Railways. 

Details of SCRA Exam 2015
Name of Exam
Special Class Railway Apprentices (SCRA) 2015
Registration Date
Till 07/11/2014
Download Link
Exam Date
Exam Fee
Rs 100/-
The candidate should be 1st or 2nd division 12th pass from recognized University /Board approved by the Government of India with Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subjects of the examination.
SCRA Facilitation Counter- UPSC’s Facilitation Counter near Gate ‘C’ campus.  Phone No. 011-23385271, 23098543 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. 

How to Apply?
There is only one way to apply in SCRA Exam i.e. online by making log in to  For proper process and online application links are given below….
>> Apply Online


pecial Class Railway Apprentice 2014 Advertisement No.01/2014-SCRA 4 year apprentice examination for Class 1 Mechanical Engineering Officers post formally known as Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineering Officer (IRSME)- Apply Online Notification Details.

SCRA 2014 Railway Apprentice Exam Notification:

UPSC has notified that SCRA 2014 examination will be conducted on 12th January 2014 and for this Apprentice Test UPSC SCRA 2014 Application Notification has already published news on its official website and in Employment News Sites. According to United Public Service Commission the Application forms can be submitted till Monday- 4 November 2014.

Lest know what is SCRA Exam?

SCRA Formally stands for Special Class Railway Apprentice that is one of the most demanding and enthusiastic approach to an awesome prestigious career as a Class I employee and such candidates who get admission for SCRA and after successful completion you get jobs as Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineering (IRSME). Candidates from science background in 12th grade can submit their application for this 4 year IRSME examination. Sometimes Chairman of Railways and its departments are also being selected from these category employees with a vast experience in Indian Railways. 

Difficulty Level of SCRA 2014:

On difficulty aspect the competitiveness put it in most competitive examination category as for 100 Seats near about 1.50 Lakhs students going to fight (stats on an average scales as per the last year report). So this makes the ratio of 1:1000 for each seat. This time its going to be the toughest entrance exam as SCRA 2014 has only 42 vacant seats for admission.
Let’s Know about the ISRME Training:
The ISRME Post Special Class Railway Apprentice is a 4 year program in mechanical engineering that is being conducted by Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Jamalpur in short IRIMEE, the education program is filled with multiple layer education scheme that is like a Cheeze Burger layered with creamy layer content. The Apprentice has combined theoretical, practical and higher level of education by providing most advanced workshops and training facilities. The whole scheme of education is completely free where candidates will be eligible for a monthly stipend against the apprenticeship that is Rs. 4000/- PM. And in 3rd year and 4th yea it will increase by Rs. 200/Year.
To download the SCRA Notification of 2014 Session:  click here 
If you are keen to make your big dreams comes true then we advise you to give this exam at least one try before taking admission anywhere else. If you succeed then reputation, proud moments and a life full of prestige is waiting for you in Indian Railways.
SCRA Exam Eligibility Parameters:
Candidate seeking for reputed careers of SCRA should possess the following qualification we have shared below from the official notice.  
Age Limit Criteria:
Your age should be Below 21 and above 17 to apply for SCRA 2014 examination as on 1 Jan. 2014. (To know about the age relaxation rules please download the notification PDF)
Academic Eligibility:
  • +2/XII/Intermediate/SSC passed candidates who have taken the passing certificate from Board of School Education can apply.
     Such candidate should have gained at-least 1st or 2nd grade,
     the rule says that the student should have completed their 10+2 in PCM Discipline.  
  • If any candidate who is doing Graduation or have completed it with Maths and any of one subject of the Exam Paper can also apply.
  • Those who are appearing in final year of +2 can also apply for the SCRA 2014

SCRA 2014 Online Registration Form:

To apply for the SCRA 2014 candidates can visit the official website and will be able to register themselves by applying through the online application form. No medium available to submit application offline.
Click here for SCRA 2014 Application Form.
Before start filling the form candidates are advised to read the instructions carefully given on official website of SCRA 2014 on this webpage.

SCRA-2014 Important Dates for Reminder:

  • SCRA-2014 Notification Date: 05 October 2013
  • SCRA-2014 Last Date: 04.Nov.2013
  • SCRA 2014 Date of Exam : 12.January.2014