How was your today’s FCI Management Trainee Tier 1 Exam held on 17 November 2013- Download Question Paper Solution and Answer Sheet with Detailed Review of FCI MT Paper 1 and Our Expert’s Analysis Plus Readers Discussion.

No doubt Food Corporation of India’s jobs are one of most awaiting and aspiring career for government jobs seekers due to multiple reasons, like the higher salary packages in comparison to other PSU’s but the main reason is; it requires very basic education under eligibility criteria whereas other organization’s prefer hiring professional degree holders on similar KRA. So in chain of such recruitment and selection processes; FCI has conducted the Management trainee exam phase 1, as it was the FCI MT’s Paper one so it was common for all discipline’s job seekers.
I decided to write this post to provide a very clear review and analysis of al paper sets that candidates has faced in FCI Management trainee exam of 17 November, before that lets have a look on whole day activities under this exam and a quick feedback that our reporters got from some Delhi based FCI’s Examination Centers.

FCI MT Tier 1 Paper Overview:

FCI MT Paper 1 held on 17 November 2013 in 2 shifts in that the first shift was in Morning from 10 O’ clock whereas the second shift was in evening. As surveyed in east Delhi and south Delhi based some centers the overall feedback of students were very parallel and as per expectation… as they all said.. it was the hell of written exam, I don’t think so previously ever FCI has been this much terrible to participants but they had to take a sharp edge exam as already the number of applicants were too much for few hundred jobs. Nearly 2 lakh students appeared in the written test of FCI MT. FCI Will release a cut off marks based result after a while, may be within 3 months from now and the selected candidates will be eligible to appear in the FCI Management Trainee Tier II.
Here now comes to the main factor that our readers are seeking and it is….

How was the Food Corporation of India- Management Trainee Tier 1 Exam?: (A Detailed Review and Analysis)

 As stated above the question papers were structured on the very high level of competitiveness, this will result as a very low cut off merit list probably… The questions were mapped on the standard pattern and syllabus, 90 minutes for a very lengthy question paper not seems to be enough but this is why we call it competition… as well as it is obviously very feasible to FCI MT Level.

Section Wise Paper Rating:

If I talk about the sections then the most difficult part in morning and evening shifts were Reasoning and Data Analysis and the General Awareness section were set on average difficulty level, as always Computer section was easy to answer. As FCI also counts the negative marking so only worthy candidates will take the cup.
 Note: The above stated review is the personal opinion of Experts so it may be differ from you experience, here at top job site we allow our readers to share their experience through various mediums like by participating in poll or by using the comment box.

Please Share Your Experience By Answering the Below Given Poll:

Please Rate the Difficulty Level of FCI MT 2013 Paper 1 Exam?

Which Section Was Most Difficult to Answer in FCI Management Trainee Exam?

What will be the Expected Cut Off Marks Result of FCI MT Tier 1?

How to Download the FCI Management Trainee Answer Sheet and Detailed Paper Solution:

Food Corporation of India releases the answer keys all paper sets that they conduct but it takes a couple of months to get them officially so you please like us on facebook so that we will be able to notify you about the links and official publication of answer keys.
However we together can reveal the answer sheet together too, to do so you are required to share the questions that you faced in this exam and we will revert back to your comments with the answers.
Use comment box and leave your comment on FCI MT 17. 10. 2013 Exam with the questions that you remember. We are also ready to answer all your queries and doubts related to this test. Use the comment box given just after the Related posts to leave your comments.
18 Nov 2013